Participant Details

Two-Week ISTE STTP on Environmental Studies

Participant List

S No Name Institute Certificate Issued
1 Satyesh Kakodkar Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Margao Yes
2 Adlete Mascarenhas Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
3 Ashmita Kerkar Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
4 Manasi S. Mungi Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
5 Akshata Sinai Kudchadker Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
6 Aradhana Bandekar Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
7 Raisa Mesquita Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes
8 Harichandra Chandekar Goa College of Engineering, Ponda Yes