Feedback form for OpenFOAM Workshop on 26 September 2020

Dear Participant,

We thank you for attending the OpenFOAM workshop on 26 Sept. 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your time!

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Questions marked with are mandatory

1A. Your background:

  Faculty in a College
  Lab Assistant/ Lab Staff member
  Research Scholars/PhD Student
  Student (B.E/B.Tech/B.Sc/Any other bachelor's degree)
  Student (M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc/Any other Masters degree)
  Working Professional in Mechanical/Chemical/Civil/Aerospace Industry

1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:

Questions related to the CFD Background

2A. Have you taken any CFD courses previously?


2B. If Yes to the previous question, please mention when you took the course and the name of the courses.

3. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other CFD workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.

  0 days
  1 day
  2-4 days
  5-7 days
  Above 7 days

Questions related to the CFD software

4A. Do you currently use any CFD software?


4B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, please mention the name of the CFD software that you currently use.

5A. Have you used OpenFOAM before you registered for the current workshop?


5B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way did you use? Please select all the relevant options.

  Course work - class or lab

6A. Why would you like to learn OpenFOAM

  For course work - class or lab
  For research

6B. If you chose "other" in the previous question, please state the reason

7. Rate your understanding and experience in using OpenFOAM BEFORE today's workshop

  Very High
  Very Low

8. Rate your understanding and experience about OpenFOAM AFTER today's workshop

  Very High
  Very Low

Questions on Pre-workshop

9. Was the pre-workshop session conducted on 23 Sept. 2020 useful to you?

  Did not attend it

10. Was the recording of the pre-workshop, that was shared with you later, useful to you?

  Did not watch it

11. We conducted the pre-workshop 3 days before today. Ideally, how many days before should we have conducted it?

  Should have been conducted more than 3 days ago
  3 days (as in the current case) is ok
  Should have been conducted less than 3 days ago
  1 day before (the previous day)

12. Any other comments regarding the pre-workshop

Questions related to the installation

13. Did you open the installation files and FAQ provided before the workshop and try to install OpenFOAM?


14. Were you able to install OpenFOAM with just the instructions provided?


15. Did you have to get any help to install OpenFOAM?


16. Did you install Ubuntu or OpenFOAM or both during the "Installation Help Session" on the day of the workshop?


Questions related to the workshop

17. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn OpenFOAM. Kindly provide the response that describes your views

  Strongly Disagree     Disagree     Neither Disagree Nor Agree     Agree     Strongly Agree     Not Applicable  
Tutorials are well made and self-explanatory
Tutorials need improvement
Various aspects are unclear and need further explanation
Some concepts were unclear but I could follow the tutorial
I could not learn much from the tutorials

18. Using these tutorials, were you able to learn the following concepts ? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy to learn" and 5 implies "extremely difficult to learn".)

  1     2     3     4     5     Not Attempted  
Understanding the problem
Creating a suitable geometry and mesh
Setting up the problem
Viewing the results in ParaView

19. Did the assignment given after every tutorial help you?


20. Please explain your answer to the previous question

21. Did you find the TA's help useful?


22. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:

  Excellent     Good     Acceptable     Bad     Extremely bad     Not Applicable  
Quality of instructional material presented to you
Learning through Spoken Tutorials and classroom sessions
Discussion on assignment
Quality of the online workshop overall

23. How would you rate your level of knowledge of using OpenFOAM before and after the workshop:

  Novice     Amateur     Competent     Proficient     Expert  
Before the workshop
After the workshop

24. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?


25. Did you post questions or answer questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?


26. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the workshop:

  Strongly Disagree     Disagree     Neither Disagree Nor Agree     Agree     Strongly Agree     Not Applicable  
The workshop exposed me to new knowledge and practices.
I am unhappy with the format of this workshop
I did not like the classroom break-up format
There were too many students in my classroom
I did not learn much from this workshop
Even if some people will be denied admission it is better to have less number of participants in the workshop
I will recommend my friends and colleagues to use OpenFOAM

27. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?

28. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?


29. Using the OpenFOAM Spoken Tutorials and other learning material provided in this workshop, you yourself can conduct such a workshop in your institution. In view of this, please answer the following:

  Strongly Disagree     Disagree     Neither Disagree Nor Agree     Agree     Strongly Agree     Not Applicable  
I can conduct a similar workshop if (a) a FOSSEE expert helps remotely and (b) Spoken Tutorial Forum support is provided
I can conduct a similar workshop if Spoken Tutorial Forum support is provided
I conduct a similar workshop without any other help

30. Check all the activities of the FOSSEE OpenFOAM team that you will be interested to participate in.

  Creating case studies
  Conducting workshops using the instructional material created by the OpenFOAM team
  Creating Spoken Tutorials on OpenFOAM
  Going through research papers and identifying case studies that could be simulated in OpenFOAM

31. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.