Writing Effective Conference Papers(Main Workshop)
Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India)
February 18th, 2012 to February 19th, 2012
Course Content | Teaching Faculty | Who Should Attend |
Duration and Venue | Criteria for Certification | Course Fee |
How to Apply | Accommodation | Note |
Address For Communication |
click here to download the permission letter format |
click here to download the brochure |
Instructions for Enrolling in the workshop Participating Remote Centers |
We are pleased to announce the next workshop in our series of ISTE-IITB workshops, sponsored by MHRD, Govt. of India, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT.) This workshop, titled "Writing Effective Conference Papers," will be conducted on a weekend, on 18-19th February 2012
IIT Bombay conducts ISTE workshops during the vacation periods in summer and winter. Participating teachers attend live lectures given by IIT faculty at remote centers close to their own colleges, and also attend tutorial and lab sessions conducted in the same centers. The lecture transmission and live interaction take place through distance mode using the AVIEW technology and the internet, at Remote Centers across the country. Faculty coordinators are appointed at each Remote Center to handle the technology infrastructure and other operational logistics, and to conduct labs and tutorials at each center.
All the lectures and tutorial sessions are video recorded. The final edited audio-visual contents, along with other course material will be released under Open Source. These contents can be freely used later by all teachers and students.
Workshop outline:
This workshop will provide an overview on effective technical writing, with a focus on writing technical conference papers. A good idea, while necessary, is not sufficient to get a conference paper accepted. In the workshop, we will discuss guidelines for organizing and planning a conference paper, go over writing styles, and discuss how to avoid plagiarism.
The workshop will be highly interactive. There will be practical sessions wherein participants will get an opportunity to apply technical writing guidelines to write and revise their work. Participants will work on several exercises individually and in teams. In addition, they will participate in peer-review sessions.
Course content
Day 1
Session 1a: Introduction to general technical writing
Session 1b: Contours of a technical conference paper
Session 2: Organizing and detailed planning of a technical conference paper - Part I.
In this session, we will discuss the structure and organization of a conference paper. We will examine various sections that referees look for, in a conference paper, and the details that must be present in each section.
Session 3: Writing style - Part I.
In this session we will focus on writing style, composition, and grammar. A well written paper is more likely to get a good review than a poorly written one, even if it contains the same ideas.
Session 4: Practical session on applying technical writing guidelines.
Participants will apply the knowledge and skills discussed in sessions 1-3, to work on individual and group-based writing exercises. Samples of written work will be provided (taken from submissions from participants), which participants will revise, based on the guidelines in sessions 1-3. Peer review will be part of this session.
Day 2.
Session 5: Don`t plagiarize, instead paraphrase!
This session will focus on what is plagiarism, and how to avoid it (even unintentionally!). Participants will work on exercises on how to present previous work by paraphrasing.
Session 6: Organizing and detailed planning of a technical conference paper - Part II.
A conference paper is somewhat different from a research journal paper. What features must be present specifically in a conference paper that is likely to get it a good review? We will discuss these and further advanced details of planning a conference paper.
Session 7: Writing style - Part II.
In this session we will discuss advanced elements of writing style.
Teaching Faculty
Prof. Sahana Murthy
Inter-Disciplinary Programme in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay
Prof. Deepak B. Phatak,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay
Prof. Uday Gaitonde,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay
Prof. Kannan Moudagalya,
Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay
Who Should Attend
This workshop is likely to benefit faculty members and students in academic institutions who plan to write research papers for conferences. We encourage both experienced researchers as well as those in the initial stages of research, such as M.E. and Ph.D students, to participate in this workshop. We intend that the guidelines and skills discussed in the workshop will help participants improve the chances of getting their conference paper accepted. However, we will be able to provide ISTE-IITB certificates only to faculty. Students will receive certificates of participation from the Coordinators of the Remote Center. Attendance in all sessions on both days of the workshop, and completion of assignments is essential for the certification.
Duration and Venue
The duration of the workshop is two days (18-19 Feb, 2012), and it will be conducted by IIT Bombay.
Course Fee
There is no course fee.
How to Apply
Those wishing to attend this course, should register online at http://ekalavya.it.iitb.ac.in/
Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. Enrolment will be strictly online.
13th February 2012
Travel and accommodation will not be funded. Only bonafide employed teachers will be provided tea and a working lunch. (They will have to produce their employment proof at the time of registration on the first day of the workshop.) Students will have to make their own arrangements for food.
Pre-workshop submission:
Those who intend to participate in this workshop, are requested to submit any technical paper they may have already written for a previous conference or journal (either accepted or rejected), along with the application. (This is not mandatory.) During the workshop, participants will apply technical writing skills that they learn to edit writing samples of their own and others` work. The workshop will be especially beneficial for those who submit a writing sample in advance.
Address For Communication
Dr. Mukta Atrey,
Project Manager,
Project Ekalavya under NMEICT
Department of CSE,
Kanwal Rekhi Building,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai: 400 076.
Tel.: +91-22-2576 4982/ 4983
Fax: +91-22-2572 0022
Email: eoutreach@it.iitb.ac.in