Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology - FDP301x
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, GoI
May 17th, 2018 to June 27th, 2018
Course Content | Teaching Faculty | Who Should Attend |
Duration and Venue | Criteria for Certification | Course Fee |
How to Apply | Accommodation | Note |
Address For Communication |
click here to download the permission letter format |
click here to download the brochure |
The advent of Massive Open Online Courses (or MOOCs) have made quality learning accessible to the learner. The administration, aware of the capability of MOOCs, is encouraging learners to access such MOOCs and is trying to integrate them in the formal curriculum. The challenges of a faculty, especially in higher education sector, now lies in making this integration seamless and effective. This requires them to move from a teacher-centric approach, where the focus is on teacher disseminating knowledge, to a more learner-centric approach where teacher becomes an effective facilitator of information. The Blended MOOCs model created by IIT Bombay, to offer MOOCs, works on local faculty undertaking this facilitators role. However, since MOOCs is a new technology for many faculty, the learning curve required to facilitate courses effectively is high and requires specific training in the process of facilitation.
The two-part Faculty Development Programme (FDP101x and FDP201x) partially addresses this requirement by familiarising faculty participants to both technology and pedagogy of blended and online learning. However, it has been observed that faculty require an additional course on connecting technology, pedagogy and content of the FDP to make the courses more effective. This course on “Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology” (FDP301x) is aimed at addressing this gap. Along with the theoretical perspective of the FDP, participants will get an opportunity to mentor FDP201x participants in creation of Open Educational Resources.
This course will be offered in Blended Format starting from May 17, 2018 till June 27, 2018 with six office hours. To participate in this course, it is essential that you complete both FDP101x and FDP201x.
Course content
Module 1. Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge in FDP
- Overview of FDPs
- Learning Community Model
- Best practices in mentoring
- Practicum for Mentoring
- Eliciting Reflection-on-Practice
- Reflection informing Practice
Teaching Faculty
Prof. Sridhar Iyer, IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay
Prof. Sahana Murthy, IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay
Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe, Dept. of CSE, IIT Bombay
Mr. Jayakrishnan M, IDP in ET, IIT Bombay
Who Should Attend
This course provides essential skills of mentorship for the course and remote centre coordinators of various IITBombayX blended offering. All faculty participants who have completed FDP101x and FDP201x, interested in becoming future course coordinators or mentors in the FDP programmes need to attend and qualify in this course.
The learner should be working as a full-time/part-time faculty in a higher educational institution to be eligible for participation.
Duration and Venue
This Two-week FDP consists of three components as follows:
1. Online work by individual participants: Each participant is expected to access the online platform, using a PC at home or office, on any convenient day and time during the week. Each participant has to spend 8 hours of efforts per week during this component of the FDP. This is equivalent to one day of work in a regular FDP. This activity will be spread over 6 calendar weeks: From 17 May to 27 June 2018.
2. Office hours with instructors: Participants will have to virtually attend these sessions through A-VIEW or access the YouTube live streaming to clarify their doubts with course instructors. It is recommended that participants from a single location assemble together at one place for the interaction using A-VIEW as the software has the facility to log your questions and comments. The office hours are scheduled from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Thursdays and Fridays for the first three weeks (17 & 18 May, 24 & 25 May, 31 May & 1 June).
3. Interaction with Mentees: Participants also have to make two mandatory interactions with mentees assigned to them. These mentees will be creating an Open Educational Resource (OER) over a period of two weeks and the purpose of the interaction is to help the mentees in creating effective OERs.
Criteria for Certification
IIT Bombay will award certificates only to those participants who:
- Successfully complete prescribed online tests with minimum 50% aggregate score
- Meaningfully interact with all mentees (for a minimum of two hours) and
- Submit the reflection-on-practice document (for a minimum of two hours) and
Note 1: This FDP is conducted under the aegis of PMMMNMTT. Live recording of the course and other created content will be released under Open Source, through a portal. All participants are required to sign a No Objection Certificate for such release of content contributed by them during and after the FDP. All contributors will be acknowledged.
Note 2: Since the contents are being released under Creative Commons, participants have to ensure that they provide accurate citations. All the content generated will undergo check for plagiarism and plagiarism detected will lead to cancellation of registration and serious disciplinary actions.
Course Fee
Participants have to pay a fee of Rs 1700/- online, when they register through the online interface.
Note: Please ensure that you completely understand the requirements for this course. The payment, once made, is non-refundable.
How to Apply
To participate in the FDP301x, you need to have an invitation email from eoutreach team, IIT Bombay. For the initial offering, we have limited the invitation link to those participants who have successfully completed FDP101x and FDP201x with a grade more than 80%. In the future offerings, we are planning to include more candidates who have completed FDP101x and FDP201x.
If you wish to attend this course, you should register online. The online registration has started from Wednesday 26 April 2018. The last date of online registration is Thursday 10 May 2018.
The URL for registration is
Not applicable.
Address For Communication
Dr. Kalpana Kannan,
Sr. Project Manager,
Department of CSE, Kanwal Rekhi Building,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai - 400 076.
Tel.: +91-22-2576 4989
Fax: +91-22-2572 0022