3 Day workshop on R beginner workshop for data science
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
January 28th, 2021 to January 30th, 2021
Course Content | Teaching Faculty | Who Should Attend |
Duration and Venue | Criteria for Certification | Course Fee |
How to Apply | Accommodation | Note |
Address For Communication |
click here to download the brochure |
R workshop registration instructions for foreign participants. Register here
R (http://www.r-project.org/) is a Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) - a well organized and sophisticated package - that facilitates data analysis, modeling, inferential testing, and forecasting. It is a user-friendly software that allows creating new function commands to solve statistical problems. It runs on a variety of UNIX platforms (and similar systems such as LINUX), Windows and Mac OS X.
R is one of the most preferred open-source languages for analytics and data science. The cross-platform compatibility of R and its capacity to handle large and complex data sets makes it an ideal tool for academicians to analyze data in their labs.
R can be used for simple calculations, matrix calculations, differential equations, optimization, statistical analysis, plotting graphs, etc. Also, it is useful for anybody who wishes to undertake extensive statistical computations and data visualization.
R allows you to develop custom Artificial Intelligence Apps to deploy within your own organization. It has numerous packages that are used in the field of ML.
The FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education) project at IIT Bombay (https://fossee.in) has been promoting Synfig Studio, and other FLOSS, such as Scilab, Python, OpenFOAM, eSim, Osdag, OpenModelica, R, Drupal and Linux, and open source hardware, such as Arduino and OpenPLC. The FOSSEE Project is funded by NMEICT, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
Methodology of the Workshop
The workshop will be conducted using a mix of pre-recorded spoken tutorial videos with side by side learning methods and live lectures. Several practice problems will also be provided after every topic, followed by discussions to better understand each topic.
All participants will get the R software, Spoken Tutorials on R, copies of our slides, video recording of all lectures, R code for several hundred science and engineering textbooks, R Lab Migration documents with code and R Case Studies. Using these, all who are interested in conducting R workshops by themselves can do so. They will also get exposed to the collaborative content creation activity of the FOSSEE Project.
Benefits of the Workshop
On successful completion the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Learn basic R programming
- Learn to perform data visualization
- Learn data manipulation techniques using R
- Learn how to do basic statistical analysis using R
- Certificate for attending 3 day R workshop
Course content
- Use the R script
- Import and merge data
- Create dataframes and matrices
- Plot bar chart, pie chart and scatter plot
- Use ggplot2 and aesthetic mapping in ggplot2
- Do data formatting using dplyr Package
- Use functions in dplyr Package
- Do programming in R (conditional operations and functions)
- Use pipe Operator
- Compute basic Statistics (mean, STD etc.)
- Use the regression line in R
- Create Rmarkdown files in R
- Get an exposure to clustering and classification
Teaching Faculty
- Prof. Radhendushka Srivastava, Faculty, Mathematics IIT Bombay
- Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Faculty, Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay
- FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
Who Should Attend
The R workshop will be useful for below discipline:
- Engineering
- Science
- Commerce
- Medical
Duration and Venue
3 day workshop starting from 28 to 30 January 2021. Every day there will be an online interactive/ hands-on session for 6 hours.
Criteria for Certification
Participation certificates, in an electronic form, will be provided to all participants after successful completion of the workshop
Course Fee
Category |
Course Fee |
Students |
₹ 450 (inclusive of GST) |
Faculty |
₹ 950 (inclusive of GST) |
Others |
₹ 2950 (inclusive of GST) |
How to Apply
The application will be strictly online, and no other mode of application will be entertained. The link for online registration is:
The registration form will be available until 26 January 2021
Not applicable
As the workshop is conducted online, it is mandatory to have a desktop/ laptop with an external mouse and a working internet connection with good bandwidth. The laptop should be capable of running R/RStudio software.
Technical Requirements:
R version 3.4.4 or higher and RStudio version 1.1.463 or higher
Following operating systems can be used for installing R/RStudio:
- Windows: 64-bit, Windows 7 or above.
- Linux 64 bit: Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.
- Mac OS X: 10.8 (macOS Lion) or above
Contact Us
- Any queries related to spoken tutorials on R can be asked through Spoken Tutorial Forums.
- Any queries related to R can be asked through contact-r@fossee.in
Address For Communication
Mahendra Parmar,
Sr. Project Manager, ESOS Project
Department of CSE, Kanwal Rekhi Building,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai - 400 076.
Email: eoutreach@it.iitb.ac.in
Website - www.it.iitb.ac.in/nmeict