Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for Scilab Workshop on 1 October 2020
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the Scilab workshop on 1 Oct. 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 9
1A. Your background:
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Questions related to the Scilab background
2A. Do you use any numerical computation software (Other than Scilab) in your college/Institute/Organisation?
2B. If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software (Other than Scilab) in your college/organization, please mention the name of the software.
2C. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
C++ and C
3. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned numerical computation software? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
4A. Do you already use Scilab in your college/Institute/Organisation?
4B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way do you use? Please select all the relevant options.
4C. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
5A. Why would you like to learn Scilab?
5B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
6. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other Scilab workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
7. One needs a good Scilab background / knowledge to complete the Xcos assignment (screening task) successfully
Questions related to the workshop
8. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn Scilab. Kindly provide the response that describes your views9. Rate your experience in understanding and following the live sessions of Scilab during the workshop. Kindly respond using the scale given below.
10. Rate your experience in performing the following practice problems during the workshop. (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy" and 5 implies "extremely difficult".
11. Did you find the following sessions useful? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely useful" and 5 implies "totally useless".)
12. Would you be interested in volunteering to be a TA for the beginner workshop on 7 October 2020 (10.00 AM to 6.00 PM)
13. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:
14. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using Scilab before and after the workshop?
15. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?
16. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?
17. Did you post questions or answer somebody else's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
18. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the workshop:
19. Suggest some topics for the live session in future Advanced Scilab Workshops
Machine Learning, Convex Optimisation
Some topics related to application related social issues to be solved in scilab/xcos.
Case studies from Chemical Engineering field
Interface of aurdino with scilab and numerical computations.
As most of the engineerig problems involve differential equations. So some topics having some physical scenario got converted in to differential equations and solved using scilab/xcos. Moreover, examples from different streams can be included.
on 3D plotting in scilab and contribution to real word problems
topic related to research articles so one can have idea that how to use it for research purposes
20. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?
Live tutorials and explanations
I liked the way teachers explain every little concept amazingly and simply also.
Motivation, guidance to use opensource software and capabilities of these softwares especially scilab, xcos and openFoam.
The format and the selection of topics.
GUI,linear programming and optimisation techniques ,xcos
21. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?
Nothing, as it was very informational for me.
Contact hours (may be increased)
22. Using the Scilab Spoken Tutorials and other learning material provided in this workshop, you yourself can conduct such a workshop in your institution. In view of this, please answer the following:23. Check all the activities of the FOSSEE Scilab team that you will be interested to participate in.
24. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.
Explain little more about the basics concepts and Xcos TBC.
Awareness about scilab and xcos among the faculty and students is very less. we need to increase the awareness and motivation and that can be done by publicizing it to the extent possible. I myself started using it for my course Computational Fluid Dynamics and referring the book written by Prof. Atul Sharma (IITB). So if more books/research papers can be published in different domains.
Sessions can be more interactive and engaging if more real life problems and their solutions are discussed