Feedback form for ChemCollective Virtual Lab Workshop on 12 December 2020

Dear Participant,

We thank you for attending the ChemCollective workshop on 12 December 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your time!

Total number of responses : 32

1A. Your background

Count of  'Student'   :    5
Count of  'Faculty in a College'   :    14
Count of  'Teacher in a School'   :    13
Count of  'Lab Assistant'   :    0
Count of  'Other'   :    0

1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi COllege of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Graduate student

Questions related to the ChemCollective Virtual labs

2A. Do you use any other equivalent software for Chemistry Lab simulation (other than ChemCollective Virtual Labs) in your School/ Institute/Organisation?

Count of  'Yes'   :    9
Count of  'No'   :    23

2B. If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software.


JMol, Olabs



Amirta i lab

Olabs , by Amrita university

Olabs by amrita university

Olabs developed by Amrita university

2C. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned Chemistry Lab simulation software? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)

Count of  'Never used before'   :    21
Count of  'less than 1 year'   :    8
Count of  'less than 3 years'   :    2
Count of  'less than 5 years'   :    1
Count of  'more than 5 years'   :    0

3. What is the difficulty level in using ChemCollective Virtual Lab?

Count of  'Very Easy'   :    2
Count of  'Easy'   :    17
Count of  'Neither Easy Nor Difficult'   :    12
Count of  'Difficult'   :    1
Count of  'Very Difficult'   :    0

4. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other Chemistry Virtual lab workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.

Count of  '0 days'   :    22
Count of  '1 day'   :    7
Count of  '2-4 days'   :    3
Count of  '5-7 days'   :    0
Count of  'Above 7 days'   :    0

Questions related to the workshop

5. Using the scale below indicate your experience in using Spoken Tutorials to learn ChemCollective Virtual Lab.

6. Were these tutorials useful in learning the following aspects of ChemCollective Virtual Lab? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely useful" and 5 implies "totally useless".)

7A. Did the practice assignment help you understand the associated topic?

Count of  'Yes'   :    31
Count of  'No'   :    1

7B. Please explain your answer to the previous question

it has created many new ideas as well. The part is its a good platform that is definitely make learning chemistry interesting with zero pollution and chemical wastage

`The practice tutorials were very well conducted, though it would have been easier and more convenient if a little more time was provided for the assignments.

Yes I found it easy

practice makes a man perfect. so solving the assignment was fun and challenging. So i liked it

while doing it only we can understand how much we learnt

Definitely..after doing is nw more clear to us.

yes, because the demo video was side by which help as to understand better

Adequate time to be given for practice

In morning ,I feel difficulty but later I could cope with it

It was interesting to do chemistry experiments in computer.

All of them connected well to the theory in real-time.

Because of net issues...not able to do practice

8. Did you find the TA's help useful?

Count of  'Yes'   :    31
Count of  'No'   :    1

9. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:

10. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using ChemCollective Virtual Lab before and after the workshop?

11. Select the response that describes your views regarding the format of the workshop:

12. Select the response that describes your overall view of the workshop:

13. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?

Very effective way of explanation

The way by which facilitators explain the concepts


You can learn by yourself.

chemistry in a virtual manner is interesting and has many novel ideas that cane be implemented

The virtual tutorials very easy to understand and follow. The staff were extremely helpful and answered any doubts immediately and competently.

Assistance at every step. Clear instructions.

software as well as the tutorials


Practice session and solutions

how spoken tutorial were formatted so that we could do the assignments.

way of explanation and the demo videos help me the most

Host and all the mentors explained complete project very well and the clear all the doubts of all the participants very nicely.


i liked all session

Use of software using spoken tutorial

Practice sessions


Hands on session

The six assignments were very good which were kind of related to the spoken tutorial examples yet different in some way.

Introduction of different software that can be used for teaching learning process and especially regarding scope of spoken tutorial and interaction with such eminent personalities.

Spoken tutorial


Explanation for practicals

Hands on session

14. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?



Training may be much better


time for practice sessions at beginner level is less and more experiments based on reaction and colourful chemistry will be most welcomed

The workshop was too fast-paced, and it was not easy to commence assignments in the short amount of time provided.

Nothing is to dislike




morning session should have been more patiently explained as I was overwhelmed into switching the screen to half , ( of course ICT problems from my side)


Only one thing morning in morning session was little bit faster no sufficient time for practice, otherwise excellent.

less time alloted for assignments


More screen time from morning to evening

bit faster

Could have given a small break for five minutes in between

Nothing as such


Not applicable

Alotted time

Questions related to the Spoken Tutorial Forum

15. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    30
Count of  'No'   :    2

16. Did you post questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    8
Count of  'No'   :    24

17. Did you answer anybody's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    2
Count of  'No'   :    30

18. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?

Count of  'I did not refer to the Spoken Tutorial Forum'   :    5
Count of  'Yes my doubt was already posted on the Forum by somebody and it was also answered'   :    16
Count of  'My question was not posted on the Forum'   :    5
Count of  'I did not have any doubts'   :    6

19. Select the response that describes your views regarding the Spoken Tutorial (ST) Forum:

20. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you like the most?

Useful and quick response


its ok

The video was clear and simple to follow.

Easy language. Lucid explainations

chem collective,Gimp

Practice session and solution after after practice session

step by step guidance


Explains very well.

Use of software and hands on session

Good initiative to clarify doubts even after the workshop

One has easy access to it.

Providing opportunities for the learners in all categories as it is available in regional language also and it promotes self learning.


Availability of answers

21. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you dislike the most?


Very slow explanation

why tilte ? simply ask question

It did not explain a few of my doubts about the advanced tools on the application.


nothing so





Need to explore more to make any more comment on ST.


Not applicable


22. We have provided you ChemCollective Virtual Lab Spoken Tutorials and many other learning materials in this workshop. What else is required for you to conduct a similar workshop in your institution by yourself?

23. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.

Doing a great job..


its nice. I would like to be resource and will like to work with the experts

The workshop meeting could have been a little less fast and should have provided more time for us to complete our assignments. A few demonstrations could also have been conducted about the basics in the beginning to allow the user to become comfortable with the application.

Customized solutions through ChemCollective for different streams.

please extend VL for determination of water quality parameters harness, COD, BOD, DO etc. for benefit of engineering students. thank you

workshop for computational research based will be helpful

I think already improvement is going on...

I already attended Jmol session also, both workshops are very good. Thank you for such workshops.

more explanation can be provided regarding the process of working and alternatives which could be explored

The screen time ay e reduced

Advanced level workshop can be conducted after beginner level. Thank you

Everything was just fine! May be a little extra time for the first two assignments would help.

Apart from spoken tutorial , procedure for simulation in v labs can also be included.