Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for ChemCollective Virtual Lab Advanced (1 Week) Workshop
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the Advanced workshop on ChemCollective. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 20
1A. Your background
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Faculty in Osmania University, Hyderabad
Very informative and useful
Academic Officer, Academic Cell, Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
2A. Do you use any other equivalent chemistry lab simulation software (other than ChemCollective) in your School/ Institute/Organisation?
2B. If the answer is "Yes" for the above question, please mention the name of the software.
Amirtha virtual labs
RSC titration
3. Have you used ChemCollective Vlabs before registering for this workshop?
4. Any workshop/training on chemistry virtual labs that you may have attended BEFORE this workshop. Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
5. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using ChemCollective Vlabs before and after the workshop?
6. Rate your effort in order to solve the screening task.
7. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn ChemCollective Virtual lab.
8. Using these tutorials, were you able to learn the following concepts? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely useful" and 5 implies "totally useless".)
9. Rate your experience in understanding and following live demonstration of ChemCollective Vlabs features during the interactive session of the workshop. (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy to understand and follow" and 5 implies "extremely difficult to understand and follow".)
10. Rate your experience in performing the following assignments during the interactive session of the workshop. (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy" and 5 implies "extremely difficult".)
11. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:
12. Select the response that describes your views
13. In this pandemic period would you use ChemCollective Vlabs as a lab course after learning the advanced features in this workshop.
Absolutely, this is an excellent platform for a lab course
Sure i will use
yes, I will use to conduct some of practicals of BSC course.
Definitely Vlabs interface is a potent tool during these pandemic Learning the advanced features through this workshop will surely help us faculty in carrying it to our students.
Yes. I would love to use .
Yes.It is extremely useful .
if the practical classes begin definitely
Definitely, it will be useful as pre lab facility to the students. They will be benefitted by this method of practice
Yes. I would like to say that concepts like solubility and heat of reaction or redox and reactivity series shown to students on virtual platform can also give visual learning.
Yes I will defintely use chem collective v lab software I'm this pandemic
Definitely. Till now in our engineering college we used to hear that the Engineering branches like CSE, IT and others are performing labs but for Chemistry we only used to share videos of the experiments and discuss theoretical background, procedure, calculations. But now we can definitely give them chance to perform the experiments virtually.
Yes, I would like to use Chemcollective Vlabs for the lab course. But, As the computers/laptops are not be available with the students and we can not provide that facility to every student in college... it will be only possible if any offline mobile version of this is available. As I came to know about the availability of online version even on the smart phone, the internet data and signal issues will arise with the students for practice and do their task. But for sure... we can take this into students and make the enthusiastic students learn about this and get benefited out of this. Using ChemCollective Vlabs only for demonstration may not give the excitation for the learners as it has to be self-experienced.
14. Will the advantages of ChemCollective Vlabs software surpass its limitations in terms of chemicals and glassware available in the software? Please give your opinion.
Yes, surely
Yes the advantages are more than the limitations
No. More chemicals and equipment needs to be added to be useful to science and technology students.
yes, in ChemCollective Vlab there is no issue of misuse of chemicals & glassware, also no issue of availability of chemicals & glassware.
ChemCollective Vlab can be used to demonstrate the practicals, also exercises may be assigned to students,
still the skills are required with the handling of the glassware and chemicals. But after having the virtual lab experience they may improve in their skills in a better way
With regard to undergraduate lab syllabus, I suppose software needs to be customized. The limitation can only be known once the software is explored to customize to UG Lab syllabus.
Yes, the ChemCollective Virtual labs are very useful in the case where sufficient apparatus and chemicals are not available . Even in our college, the students perform the experiments in small groups or in pair. Using ChemCollective Virtual labs, all the students can get hands on experience free of cost fromany place.
Yes.I agree that there are some limitations but it is enough for better understanding for the students
Always experiments with practical experience is first.
But definitely it takes students to a different level of understanding as most of the colleges just donot conduct practicals. As this is virtual exercise students can learn the concepts even at home if the link is provided.
Wish organic and inorganic compounds are included
The workshop was very informative. The software is very good and user friendly.
Yes, but it will help to understand the practical with out wasting chemicals and glassware, but it is preferable before doing the practical for better understanding/performing practical
Yes. being in school for senior secondary students can practice with available material and with different permutations and combinations. to develop skill.
It has some limitations but for definite experiment it is useful.
No, not exceeding its limitations.
This is a very good software to perform Chemistry experiments. But of course I shall expect that it will be updated further and more experiments will be included.
For the given experiments, I feel they are good enough. But many more experiments are need to be added for the UG and PG level lab courses.
15. In comparison to other chemistry lab simulations available online, how do you rate ChemCollective Vlabs as a real lab interactive simulation.
16. The ChemCollective Viirtual lab interface has numerous aqueous solutions and required common glassware and tools. What percentage of the Lab course syllabus can be covered using ChemCollective Virtual Labs?
17. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?
18. Did you post questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
19. Did you answer anybody's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
20. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?
21. Select the response that describes your views regarding the Spoken Tutorial (ST) Forum:
22. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you like the most?
Solubility product
very limited participants so its possible to interact personally and clarify the doubts.
Session was conducted in a more personalised way.
Schedule was strictly follwed.
All the videos are designed for self-learning. teaching about many FOSS. Promotion of FOSS.
many topics put together to explore yet. Thank you very much for this.
1. Without login we can view the questions and answers.
2. It has very good search filters like time limit (min. and sec.).
It is available in offline mode also
Helpful in clarifying the doubts
videos with explanation
Answer to each question asked useful for any time
Very specific questions can be asked.
Even after the workshop one can get their doubts clarified from the earlier discussion or can ask directly if it is not discussed before. As we may get more doubts when we start using Chemcollective Vlabs, we can use ST Forum for guidance and clarify our doubts.
23. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you dislike the most?
DNA binding problem
Nothing to be pointed out
We were asked to listen the tutorials and then to solve the problem given. We could not get time to ask questions at ST forum. I would love to use the same in the future.
24. We have provided you ChemCollective Spoken Tutorials, what else is required for you to conduct a similar workshop in your institution by yourself?
25. Would you be interested in volunteering to be a TA for the beginner workshop on ChemCollective on 12 December 2020 (9.30 AM to 5.30 PM)
26. What aspect(s) did you like most about the workshop?
Hospitality and more personalised way the peoples have organised it.
The introduction of a new type of interface and the self-learning component was good. The assignment gave the opportunity to explore it on our own which is how you learn a most of these kind of things
such workshops promotes Self-learning among participants.
the assignments put forward
Participative learning coupled with side by side method assisted by spoken tutorial and live demonstration that enhanced self learning.
Hands-on experience and immediate solutions
Workshop conducted is helpful to all .
Assignments and they are different for different participants
This is save time saver compare to man doing
Recollected the subject back, because at present I am working at our Head Office, where we have a break for teaching and came toward administration, Here we may help the Government & Pvt. Aided degree college students provided any workshops by you without any fee. If any such type of knowledge sources are available/ to conduct such type of trainings/workshops, we request you to reach our students through our department. We can communicate the resources to all our colleges so that all our students will get benefitted with this opportunity
self learning assignment. so I could see the vlab interface myself before joining for the session
Self learning spoken tutorial is very informative
Solving problems
This workshop is designed to promote self learning and finally get a chance to interact with the experts, complete the assignments. We have covered assignments of 7 days duration just interacting with the experts for only one day. This has saved the time of both sides. Spoken tutorials are made with such detail that the steps can be very easily followed.
Providing spoken tutorials and screening test before the workshop brought better understanding capacity for the day of workshop.
27. What aspect(s) did you dislike most about the workshop?
A long disconnect after the assignment was given. No tasks assigned in between.
All are good
Try to reduce the no, of feedback questions to 15 please
The other assignments that are given in spoken tutorial, there is no hint given. Also we can not verify whether our steps and answers are right in these assignments.
only one day interaction session.
28. Any suggestions for improvement:
Conducting such workshops in a periodical manner for next level of understanding and as a follow up
The live workshop should have been scattered over a period of time. The demonstrations and problem solving in parts would have facilitated better exploration of the vlabs software. The participants would have come up with more doubts and better discussions would have ensued. But for sure an overall good experience.
There should be Some more assignments as it is ONe-week workshops.
Its very good so far
Only suggestion i can make is that as participant I shall make every effort to customize the Chemcollective Virtual Lab.
I am teaching chemistry to engineering first year students. It has many advance practicals in their syllabus. for example: potentiometric titration, conductometric titration, Surface tention and viscosity experiment, preparation of drugs like paracetamol and aspirin. If all these experiments can be included, it would be great for all of us. I am looking forward to see all these experiments in the advance virtual lab.
please guide how I can contribute to develope the virtual labs and other activities for the above mentioned experiments.
Little more briefing (given but a bit more) of the problem that is given to the participants would be very helpful
This types of experiments adopted all
It Will be more useful, if you include other practicals also which are in syllabus both UG & PG
Thank You
can you similar chemical kit for organic synthesis or qualitative tests
Arrangements for special for students
As per my opinion the contents was clear and easy understanding. Hence, no suggestions
Please include more chemicals and include more experiments. pH meter is given but potentiometer is not there. Please include potentiometer based experiments.
First of all.. I thank the entire team for organizing this workshop and introducing a vibrant tool for lab courses. The workshop was well planned and conducted very successfully. Each and every aspect is taken care by the organizers.
A small suggestion from my side. And I don't know how far it will be convenient for the organizers..
Unlike one complete day... I feel it would be better if we have a series of interactive sessions. For ex: 5 days and 2h/day
Day 1: i) Introduction ii)Heat of Reaction Problem-1
Day 2: i) Metal Displacement Reactions Problem-2 ii) Demonstration of Thermochemistry, Engine Coolant problem
Day 3: i) Determination of Equilibrium Constant Problem-3 ii) Demonstration of Determination of pKa
Day 4: i) Determination of Solubility Product Problem-4 ii) Demonstration of Autograded Virtual Labs and other useful resources
Day 5: i) Gravimetric Analysis Problem-5 ii) Presentations / asFeedback / Q&A / Vote of Thanks
In my view... like this we can concentrate more and involve by adjusting our work, and also will get adequate time to practice each problem.
Thank you!!