Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for Jmol Application Beginner Workshop on 19 September 2020
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the Beginner workshop on Jmol Application. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 63
1A. Your background
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Assist teacher in junior college
Faculty in Engineering College
Teaching Faculty in Engineering College
Assitant profssor and head -biotechnology, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot
Teaching faculty in Engineering college
Teaching faculty in AIIMS Mangalagiri , Andhra Pradesh
Professor of Pharmanecia Technology
2. This question refers to any workshop/training on any Molecular Modelling or 3D Viewers for Chemistry/Biochemistry that you may have attended BEFORE this workshop. Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
3A. Do you use a 3D Viewers or Molecular Modelling software (other than Jmol Application) in your college/Institute/Organisation?
3B. If the answer is "Yes" for the above question, please mention the name of the software.
Gauss View 0.5
Chem Draw 3D
Python, ChemDraw
4A. Did you use Jmol Application before you registered for this workshop?
4B. If the answer is "Yes" for the above question, in what way did you use. Please select all the relevant options.
5. How difficult it is to teach or learn topics such as Stereochemistry, Isomerism and Point Group WITHOUT the use of a 3D Viewer?
6. Is Jmol Application useful in teaching and learning of topics like Stereochemistry, Isomerism and Point Group Classification?
7. How difficult is it to use Jmol Application in classroom teaching?
8. Visual depiction of molecules in three dimensional view will create interest in the subject.
9A. Which of the given ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools will you use to improve conceptual understanding of topics in Chemistry/Biochemistry?
9B. If your answer is "Others" in the above question. Please give the names of other ICT tools.
3 D viewers
10. Did you use conventional methods of visualizing molecules such as 2D drawings or handheld 3D plastic or wooden models for teaching/learning structures of molecules? Please write about your experience briefly
I was difficult to draw teach
Yes with both hanf, and 3d plastic models.
Conventional 2d models
yes used ball and stick method
Experience was good
Never used 3D plastic or Wooden models but now Jmol Software can help me further to study molecular structures measurement,labelling, orbitals, crystal structures, the best software i've used..
To discuss symmetry of molecules we have used such type of models.
Ball and stick model
Yes. For example while learning the conformations of cyclohexane, we were taught using plastic models. And the issue with that was that a lot of time was used up in just physically making the model
3 D models
yes.. but Jmol application creates interest among students.
yes i used 3D ball and stick models but Jmol is better option for that
No experience
Yes I use ball and stick model for explaining models
Box and pencils were used to depict the structure
Jmol application will increase interest among students.
Used 2D drawings which are not full satisfactory for students
used 2d diagrams scan from books and also used 3d models available in our school.
yes, but these softwaresare more comfortable
It is very difficult to teach. These 2 d drawings are also very time consuming.
I use 3D plastic models, it's make easy to learn
3D plastic model was used but it has limited use
Not used so far
Yes, I used many techniques to clear the concepts to the students.
When I use models students shows more interest in topic
Have used 2D images to represent molecules
Yes, Make - shift models were used to make students understand the spacial view of the molecules.
never taught before
yes 2D but 3D models are easier to understand
we use conventional methods of using , pen, cardboard etc.
Ball and stick models
Yes. I use to make ball and stick models for bonding, and coloured balls for packing in solids with the help of children .
To make such a model is very tedious task as compare to Jmol software.
yes, I use 3 D models of molecules made up of plastic
Yes.. Ball and stick method..
yes. that was also good. but this will be more easy i hope
3D plastic / wooden models
I use 3d models for teaching structures
I am from anatomy background, I was never exposed to these. As it will help me in further research, I am learning the chemical structures
i am using 2D drwaings many times only a few times i use models but not enough to satisfy students
Yes in Solid state
Ball and stick models for Solid State Chemistry and Sterioisomerism, proection formulae. Gives a better understanding to students.
Yes, plastic model kit if atoms and molecules
Joung Wooden structures for stereochemistry is time taking, and the structures are not exact which lowers the interest in the students.
Very good experience after attending this such type of programme
Yes i have used ball n stick model
it used to be good
My chemistry teacher used to teach students using sticks n chalk apart from 2d drawings.
11. After learning the basics about Jmol Application, which method would you now prefer to use for teaching and learning structures of molecules.
12. As a teacher will you use Jmol Application in assessment of student learning?
13. How do you plan to incorporate ICT tools such as Molecular viewers, Virtual Labs, Simulations in online teaching during COVID period?
14. If the answer is "other" for the above question, please specify.
to incorporate in research work
15. Rate your experience in understanding and following spoken tutorials on Jmol Application during the workshop.(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy to understand and follow" and 5 implies "extremely difficult to understand and follow".)
16. Rate your experience in performing the following the assignments during the workshop.(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy" and 5 implies "extremely difficult".)
17. How would you rate your level of knowledge of using Jmol Application for 3D Modelling before and after the workshop:
18. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in creating and editing 3D models using Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
19. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in measuring bond length, bond angle and dihedral angle in Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
20. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in creating atomic and molecular orbitals using Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
21. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in showing center of axis, drawing reflecting planes in Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
22. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in showing point groups before and after the workshop:
23. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in using Script Commands for modifying a 3D model in Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
24. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in displaying Crystal structures in Jmol Application before and after the workshop:
25. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:
26. Select the response that describes your views/responses:
27. What aspect(s) did you like most about the workshop?
The mentors were very helpful, and the online discussion about the assignments
The 3d animations
The training material was easy to handle
Spoken tutorial part and self learning experience.
Jmol application
Ovreall great workshop
self practicing
All aspects i like
good for update ourself
hands on experience and doubt clarification
The spoken tutorial forums and lectures was wonderful
3 D structures
creating, editing and modifying structures
Quality explanation
easy tutorials.... can practice hand on.
Classroom workshop
Orbital structures
crystal structure and unit cell
Online discussion
Interactive session
Interactive discussion session
spoken tut
Spoken tutorials
The side by side hands-on learning experience and all our doubts were cleared zasimultaneously.
3D view
3 d modeling of molecules
3D structures of molecules
creating a 3D model especially for sterochemistry. It will help us to explain it better to the students
explanation about 3d structures.
spoken tutorial, online forum
self practicing side by side
Hands on activities.
The format of spoken tutorials
Hand on training Assignment
spoken tuitorial
The spoken tutorial is excellent. It is possible to study the explained commands. really great spoken tutorials. Then the assistants who support via chat also have done their work very well. But the person who lead the class was not at all good to do the work.
there can be two days to five days workshop
28. Any suggestions for improvement:
When we ask a question don't tell us to write in the thread and rather answer it. It's helpful to us.
Can be spread over two days or even three or maybe even provide the link earlier and then performing the workshop
no suggestions
it was excillent.
need to provide more time for assignment and solution manually by expert
Time limit and hands on activities
Time can be extended for 2 days so that we can learn more and reduce workload on a single day
It's good if we have 2 or 3 days for this, so we do our practices very well
Very hectic. May be done in parts
nothing...need more time to do assignments
More time is needed to do assignments
More interaction during video tutorial
At the end of every spoken tutorial ,doubts can be clarified
Please arrange such workshop for doing experiments through.virtual labs..
It was a wonderful session
For certain videoe like bond angle, bond length and all, instead of making participiants to watch the video, take one example and show them how to do and then give assignment. I think that will help a lot
Everything was great.
more assigments after the workshop to pratice may help better
increase session time so that participants can complete assignments with complete satifaction
Pleased include virtual lab sessions
We can have few more such soft ware for chemistry
atleast upto first assigment be slow and ensure everyone complete and then can be fast.every where there will be some starting trouble
The person who lead the actual practice did not give any introduction. I didnot understand that I have to listen to the spoken tutorial and do the assignments. He moved from one to another without informing me what is happening there. Even if somebody told me about that, I didn't understand that. So I wasted a major time without doing anything. Then tried myself and completed 4 classes before 2 pm, and 2 in the afternoon. My suggestion is ask as to practice the spoken tutorial just after the cofirmation compulsory. If the person who telephoned had informed about this I should have completed that before attending the class.
29. Please give your feedback on our forum approach to answer doubts
It was good
OK. Can be answered in the meet that is better
Excellent for me
not applicable
helping and supportative
comfortably answering the doubts without skipping
good, they are responding fast
very good
more interactive
An innovative approach
It is very useful for
The forum approach is really very useful in learning and solving our doubts within a short time.
All questions were properly answered
It was really good. Answered all the doubts
questions were well answered.
It is robust
All queries are handled patiently and satisfactorily
It's was good
i could not use much as time was not availabebut it is very good idea
I asked one question by email regarding the installation of Jmol, they asked me to put in the forum, that is good for reference, but I was very much urgent to get its answer. So it was good to give answer to the question when I asked or reply to my question as soon as I posted my question. Later, on the day of workshop (morning) I got answer myself.
30. How do you hope to use the learnings from this workshop into practice?
I'll use it to make online presentation
I would use this tool to visualise molecules in molecular Modeling for my college project
I will use it in my ppts in class.
For research purposes
In project work or seminar presentations.
by incorporating in presentations
self practice
use for classes
very much useful to show the structures through online session which holds the students interest.
I am KV Teacher, I will use in Online Classes
Definitely going to use it.
Iwill try to use it in preparation for 3D or actual view
I can show 3D model specially their rotation
i will use for class room teaching and research
To use molecular models in my class presentations
lab for my students
For presentation
I will definitely share this with my colleagues, siblings and in my daily classroom teaching. I will also make my students learn Jmol and use it in learning and understanding chemistry.
I will be using in my classroom and teach students in more better way
As online classes are happening, we will be incorporating this in our classes
i will use in my classroom to teach more effectively
I am exploring the ways to apply my skills in research.
help full
Implement as much as possible in classroom teaching
By showing 3d molecules to students and encouraging them to create molecules for experiential learning process
Day to day life
I will use it for my PG students and my research papers
i can use jmol in future
I am trying to do protein structure prediction, so I need to know how to display commads such as spacefill, backbone, wireframe etc, and compare. Display commands is not explained in detail. I did not see anything about compare. I suggest, to include all the commands in the videos if possible.
31. Any other feedback
Not really. Everything was good.
Overall, it was a great experience.
Very good should be arranged over 2 or 3 days
provide advance one als0
really good session
If possible mail us the questions in assignments for more practice
Excellent workshop
Everything is excellent except speed of training
waiting for some more workshops to attend
A new experience. Wish to do advanced course in jmol
More interaction..
good work as a team of FOSSE there at IITB
It was a wonderful experience.I m looking forward for more such workshops.
Very nice
This workshop will help teachers and inturn their students. Definitely students will not study the chemistry in a space that never exist. they have the opportunity to see the exact way how the atoms behave and how the bond length and angle changes in different conformation
Overall a good workshop.
Include virtual labs for UG and PG students
Good experience as expected from IIT MUMBAI
Good points - the spoken tutorials and chat assistance, bad points - the person who lead the practice session, was not properly to complete all the spoken tuturials, there should have a question what actually we expect from the workshop.