Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for Moodle Workshop 30 Nov-04 Dec 2020
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the Moodle Workshop from 30 November - 04 December 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 22
1A. Your background
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Questions related to Moodle background
Q2A. Do you use any other equivalent LMS software in your School/ Institute?
Q2B. If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software.
Microsoft Teams
Only Moodle is used
LMS moodle
Moodle offline
Q3. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned LMS software? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
Q4. For how long have you been using Moodle? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
Q5A. Do you already use Moodle LMS in your School/College/Institute?
Q5B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way do you use? Please select all the relevant options.
Q5C. If answer to the above question includes "Other", then please specify the other ways in which you have put Moodle in use.
Teacher's feedback is taken from the students
Q6. What is the difficulty level you feel in using Moodle LMS for course work?
Q7. Before this workshop, have you attended any other workshop on Moodle? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
Questions related to the workshop
Q8. Rate your experience in using the Tutorial slides to learn Moodle. Kindly provide the response that describes your viewsQ9. Were these Tutorial slides useful in learning the following aspects Moodle? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely useful" and 5 implies "not really useful".)
Q10. Did the practice quizzes and assignments help you understand the associated topic?
Q11. Please explain your answer to the previous question
It is very much helpful to understand the concepts of MOODLE to the core
Highly useful to conduct online class
Ye I make assignment and quiz
Yes the practice quizzes are helpful and it also useful while designing the assignments and how to give and grade it. Also , in what all ways we can give quiz questions/exam questions. In what way we want to evaluate all these things are clear by doing this quizzes and assignments.
Due to intermittent work internally I could not practice tutorials and quizzes
not usefull
I am already using Moodle, since last more than 3 years, therefore i was knowing how to take quizzes and assignments.
Explanation about assignment is very good. Some online software produced error but i think Moodles is the solution .
Practice quiz helps me to understand the concept very well.
It was like hands on training.
Quizzes and assignments help as to learn very quickly
Activities help to improve knowledge about online assessments
More interactive
Yes, Most of the instructions were pretty clear and easy to follow
That make my concept clear
it wills very helpful in interactive ly
I have to make more practice
Practice assignments are useful to understand and anticipate the real-time problems that may occur when actually we use the software
It require more time to understand topic
It helped alot & was interesting to learn new technique of LMS.
Quizzes made us to evaluate ourselves whether we were clear with the concepts. That was quite interesting also. We were eager to score fully.
Assignments made us to get familiarize and practice the tutorials. It also made us learn more while doing the activities and was very useful.
Real useful , learned how to create quizzes and assignments practically
Q12. What features of Moodle, covered during the workshop, most suited your academic/other requirements and you are/will be putting into practice?
Assignments with rubric
quiz and assignment
Creating quizes, assignment, interactive video H5P etc is very useful while we want to assess the students participation in teaching learning activity.
not suitable
Interactive videos
Assignment and quiz.
Grading shceme
Quiz with mathematical Equations
Restricted access - Helps to complete the activity in order
Big Blue Button
conducting online exams.
Interactive video
Quizzes, bigbluebutton
Advance features of proctoring online exam
Test Creation
Quiz. video. slides
Suitable only, but it won't be that much necessary
making interactive video using H5P
For academic assessment.
Interactive content
yes, willing to put in practice
Q13. What other features of Moodle would you like to know more about and can be included as a part of the workshop in future?
Big blue Button
descroptive question and answer
Online vdo teaching
Grading and online examination mode and assessment, integrated web conferencing with Big blue button . I want to explore more in the above options and want to implement it in future.
not suitable
Supervision in online examinations (Proctoring)
online programming labs
Big Blue Button for taking online classes.
Big blue button
Grade book, attendance, feedback
Proctoring features for online examination
More on proctored exam conduction
short answer type exam question setting
grade book of students
Big Blue Button
Big blue button
Q14. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:
Q15. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using Moodle LMS before and after the workshop?
Q16. Select the response that describes your views regarding the format of the workshop:
Q17. Select the response that describes your overall view of the workshop:
Q18. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?
Discussion Forum
slides, daily task
Quiz and assignments t
The most interesting feature of this workshop, P Sundar Sir was patiently explaining our queries and cleared our doubts during the workshop. He conducted the workshop very nicely. Even this workshop has given me an opportunity to learn ourselves and practice ourselves, and to explore the features of Moodle.
Tutorials, pre-recorded videos are good.
Forum session
Live session for doubt solving
Sufficient time is given to complete the assignments
Content is presented in simple way so that beginners can able to understand
Self - paced learning. Learning at our convenient time was good.
GOOGLE slides, bigbluebutton
Self Learning mode, Structured program
The fact that we got a moodle login and we learnt by doing.
Suntther sir explanation of concept by sharing students scrren
Time given for completion amd its usefulness
Providing PPT for self learning
The live discussions at the end of each day helped a lot. Having gone through the material and tried the assignment and activities it was helpful to clarify the doubts and difficulties that we faced. Felt very comfortable throughout the programme and everything was fine.
Interactive classes were good
Q19. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?
late to give the certificate
No dislike
Actually , the workshop was really useful and effective. But still if we could able to practice the last part of the workshop in details it will be even more effective. As all teachers are busy we could n' t get actual time to assess the assignments. But still everybody tried their level best to complete the assignment
Timing. Evening between 5 and 6 was not comfortable for me.
Audio was not working many times
Regular live sessions
Needed more information on the complete setup required for a institution to start the use of moodle.
No informatation bout certificate
More content, I had less time
course material is not downloadable
Nothing of that sort.
Attending the quiz with time limit of 10 min