Feedback form for Synfig Studio Workshop on 7 November 2020

Dear Participant,

We thank you for attending the Synfig Studio workshop on 7 Nov 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.

Thank you for your time!

Total number of responses : 24

Q1A. Your background:

Count of  'Student'   :    3
Count of  'Faculty in a College'   :    19
Count of  'Teacher in a School'   :    1
Count of  'Working Professional (Graphic designer/ Animator/ etc.)'   :    0
Count of  'Other'   :    1

1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:

Teacher Traineres KVS ZIET Mumbai


Questions related to the Synfig Studio background

Q2A. Do you use any other equivalent software for 2D animation (other than Synfig Studio) in your School/ Institute/Organisation?

Count of  'Yes'   :    1
Count of  'No'   :    23

Q2B. If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software.



Q2C. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned animation software? (If your answer to the Q2A is NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)

Count of  'Never used before'   :    21
Count of  'less than 1 year'   :    2
Count of  'less than 3 years'   :    1
Count of  'less than 5 years'   :    0
Count of  'more than 5 years'   :    0

Q3A. Do you already use Synfig Studio in your college/Institute/Organisation?

Count of  'Yes'   :    1
Count of  'No'   :    22
Count of  'Not sure'   :    1

Q3B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way do you use? Please select all the relevant options.

Count of  'Creating animations for teaching'   :    2
Count of  'Creating animations for presentations'   :    3
Count of  'Creating animations as a hobby'   :    2
Count of  'Making short films'   :    1
Count of  'Creating Motion Graphics'   :    1
Count of  'Other'   :    0

Q3C. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:


Q4. What is the difficulty level of Synfig Studio in creating animations?

Count of  'Very Easy'   :    1
Count of  'Easy'   :    12
Count of  'Neither easy nor difficult'   :    11
Count of  'Difficult'   :    2
Count of  'Very difficult'   :    0

Q5. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other Synfig Studio workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.

Count of  '0 days'   :    23
Count of  '1 day'   :    0
Count of  '2-4 days'   :    1
Count of  '5-7 days'   :    0
Count of  'Above 7 days'   :    0

Questions related to the workshop

Q6. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn Synfig Studio. Kindly provide the response that describes your views

Q7. Were these tutorials useful in learning the following aspects of Synfig Studio? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely useful" and 5 implies "totally useless".)

Q8. Did the practice assignment help you understand the associated topic?

Count of  'Yes'   :    24
Count of  'No'   :    0

Q9. Please explain your answer to the previous question

It really helped me to create my own animations like E-card animation, truck animation, and many others.

It is really helpful to learn the animations through these video tutorials. Hope I can access these tutorials after the workshop also because in a day it is not possible to grasp all the things.

I am trying

I correlate the assignments to make some small animations like collision of balls to demonstrate the law of conservation of momentum.


Very much

They are useful

its useful to do the practice assignment to learn more

This will help to explore more in depth to get the concept.

More explanation needed

Solving Assignment question helped me to know the software better and gave a easy going look. The instructions were pretty clear and made the practice be smooth.

Aligned with the tutorial. Easy to create for Beginner's aspect.

Actually, more time is required in case of very beginners to synfig

Yes. By practicing we more understanding the topic

Assignments check the level of understanding the concepts and tools

while doing practice assignment , we are getting some doubt and clarified

Its helped a lot and I tried to complete tutorials followed by practice. Although I can not complete but tried my best to learn as much as possible

It helps us to verify that we have understood how to apply the topic specific skills and also challenges our creativity

Excellent Work Shop

Yes tutorials & assignment were extremely useful & in sync.

Practice assignment have given me understanding of all aspects of Synfig studio. Got familiar with all tools .

Practice assignment of Toy truck was very useful . using rectangle,polygon ,circle ,region layer compartments and wheels were drawn and grouped together.


Practice assignment gave me confidence.

Q10. Did you find the TA's help useful?

Count of  'Yes'   :    23
Count of  'No'   :    1

Q11. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:

Q12. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using Synfig Studio before and after the workshop?

Q13. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the format of the workshop:

Q14. Select the response that describes your overall view of the workshop:

Q15. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?

The fact that we were asked to do the assignments ourselves after providing a good tutorial was a really good move

I liked the time management of workshop. Also the division of classroom was very good.

Self study

Tutorial content and immediate assignments helps to boost of confidence.

Proper execution and planning

The orientation

1. Assistance given by the TA's.

self learning

Team of coordinator help me to get out difficulty face during workshop


The Assignments really help me have a good hold on the things I learned.


Splitting of class rooms

Simple understanding method

way of handling the sessions and assignments

Doubt clarification

Nearly all the way for me as a new candidate for Synfig

1. Hands-on guided tutorials helped reduce the learning curve

I Learn something new

Way of online tutorials & hands on training by breaking into small class for 1:1 focus.

Self learning approach. The video tutorials are excellent. Script prepared was very explementary.

presentation of the resource person , and spoken tutorials


everything in the course is fine

Q16. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?

Nothing much that I disliked.

As such there was nothing to dislike but kind of monotonous and loosing of interest specially in 2nd session was observed.

Self study

The online flatform used for sessions should be more as (I personally) few users may not have access for same. So, options will help to avoid last minute troubles.



1. Costly. By using Self Explanatory video, this workshop has been conducted. So, The cost is too much. 2. No one to many or Many to one Interaction session. Since 950 has been charged, I expected that they will teach us and they will clarify our doubts then and there. Watching video and doing it reduced the passion to learn. 3. Wastage of time - we have to watch and then we have to learn our self. It increases the learning time and decreases the learning rate. Also, the questions has been answered by forum. Time has been wasted due to this.( Time to type, waiting time to get answer). two of my friends and one of my colleagues felt the same for this charge.


Not applicable

Not telling the concept well

Nothing in particular overall a good experience.

Less discussion. Rather watching the offline video, new video could be shown and simultaneously interaction with the participants and hands on session also.

Previously I have attended Jmol workshop also, but for this synfig workshop I felt time is not sufficient even to make the animations which are given in the tutorials (may be I am beginner, that can be one of the reason)


Time should be there for practice


Time was less for newcomer

The advanced workshop should be conducted within 2 months of the basic workshop. Helps to keep the continuity in learning.

overall is good

Nothing... Oveall all excellent


more explanation of the software functionalities will be helpful and will reduce the time in understanding

Demo should give

course was useful.

Questions related to the Spoken Tutorial Forum

Q17. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    20
Count of  'No'   :    4

Q18. Did you post questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    5
Count of  'No'   :    19

Q19. Did you answer anybody's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?

Count of  'Yes'   :    1
Count of  'No'   :    23

Q20. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?

Count of  'I did not refer to the Spoken Tutorial Forum'   :    5
Count of  'Yes my doubt was already posted on the Forum by somebody and it was also answered'   :    13
Count of  'My question was not posted on the Forum'   :    2
Count of  'I did not have any doubts'   :    7

Q21. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the Spoken Tutorial (ST) Forum:

Q22. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you like the most?

1. Answers are already there

Not yet use more of it. After using this I could able to write.

Explanation in simple lenguage

learning in own space and time


prompt answers from teachers. . We are able to check which doubts / errors are most commonly encountered by participants

overall is good

doubts in all respect and their answers

Excellent response.


Q23. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you dislike the most?


1. We have to search to find out whether the same questions has been asked or not





Time was less but it's good that it can be done after workshop hour as well






Q24. We have provided you Synfig Studio Spoken Tutorials and many other learning materials in this workshop. What else is required for you to conduct a similar workshop in your institution by yourself?

Q25. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.

Small changes could be done in pattern of the workshop for after lunch session.

Need more video tutorials covering advance animations with example.



Various Tools for animation must be explained in advance

The spoken tutorials are missing one vital dimension, the dimension is why we are using this button, parameter, etc. See if you say why you are writing or selecting this, what is the significance of this feature. Then this will helps to a person to materialize the concept he/she was. Otherwise it seems to be specific to the problem only., without knowing the reason for using this.

Everything is good. Please organize badic workshop for students in free of cost.

There should be follow up for the animations we have done so that it would reinforce our learning


As a very new candidate for the Synfig workshop. Some issue related to Internet additional time or practice is required

Please conduct advanced workshop 6-8 weeks after basic synfig workshop. Please compare synfig studio features with commercial tool alternatives during the workshop.

Excellent work shop thank you

I want to conduct such workshop for my students & faculty of all institute in association with you in Dec 2nd week. I need your support. In what way you will provide ? It will help in Hykathon registration & also awareness. Kindly respond My No - 9823104647..... I am very much keen to organize in my institute. Thanks

Excellent program. Happy to use Synfig studio for teaching my engineering courses. Thank You
