Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for OpenFOAM Workshop on 26 September 2020
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the OpenFOAM workshop on 26 Sept. 2020. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and the Self-Learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly click on the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 101
1A. Your background:
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
I am faculty at government college , kerala, currently joined IITM for research
Done my B.tech in mechanical ground, looking forward for higher studies
Questions related to the CFD Background
2A. Have you taken any CFD courses previously?
2B. If Yes to the previous question, please mention when you took the course and the name of the courses.
Course on Computational Fluid Dynamics during Masters and PhD
During my masters (2018-2020) at IIT Guwahati, I opted the course called Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which was taught by Prof.Anugrah Singh.
Taught BTech course
Ansys Mastering in cfd from udemy
I handle CFD course for UG / PG Chemical Engineering
As part of training, my PhD is in area of CFD from NCL Pune
Numerical Fluid Flow, Aerospace engineering dept., IISc Bangalore
CFD online training by fluiDimensions in July
CFD using finite volume method on SWAYAM Ongoing
Ansys Fluent
Attended one week STTP's in IISc, IIT Bombay and VNIT Nagpur. Done NPTEL 12 week CFD course organized by IIT Guwahati.
Introduction to cfd by iitm last year
In my UnderGraduate Course and Post Graduate
CFD - college course
Foundation of CFD, Swayam Courses.
Theory courses at college and on nptel courses
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2019
2019, CFD
CFD in 2019
I took the course of Computational Fluid Dynamics during M Tech 2nd semester 2019.
From CCE-IISc, Bangalore on 2012, Introduction CFD course
Aug-Nov 2019, Introduction to CFD
As I was a part of Formula Student Team, I had taken the course offered by Simscale on CFD for Formula Student vehicle.
Multi-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Application at NIT Jalandhar
Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals and Applications(Organized by NIT Jalandhar)
Duration of Course: 21-25 September 2020
ANSYS in May- 2016
OpenFOAM in July-2020
Numerical Methods for Engineers, Computational Viscous Flows, Computational Viscous Flows etc
One year back. AnsysFluent
Took CFD as an elective course in 6th semester of my BTech study
It was the part of Mtech syllabus.
Hyperbolic pdes
A Hands on introduction to Engineering Simulation, Cornell University (Nov 2019)
CFD with OpenFOAM, July 23-28 2020
Computational Fluid Dynamics (2010) at NITK Surathkal
Computational Hydrodynamics (2015) at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow.
ANSYS, 2015 and 2018
CFD using Ansys fluent
NPTEL online certification course in "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)" conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Funded by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) from January 2019 to April 2019 (12-week course)
Two years back I have taken a FDP in CFD
1year back. Foundation of CFD on NPTEL
3. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other CFD workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
Questions related to the CFD software
4A. Do you currently use any CFD software?
4B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, please mention the name of the CFD software that you currently use.
Ansys CFX
Ansys fluent
Ansys Fluent
converge CFD
Openfoam ansys
Ansys Fluent
MATLAB, Flent, OpenFoam
ANSYS Fluent
ANSYS Fluent student version
Comsol multiphysics
Ansys Fluent and now of course will be using OpenFOAM
C++ code development and Ansys-Fluent
ansys fluent
Ansys Fluent
CFD++, Fluent, OpenFOAM
Ansys Fluent
Fluent, IcePack
ANSYS Fluent
OpenFOAM, ANSYS Fluent
Finite difference incompressible code developed in our lab.
Ansys Fluent
ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM
Ansys fluent
5A. Have you used OpenFOAM before you registered for the current workshop?
5B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way did you use? Please select all the relevant options.
6A. Why would you like to learn OpenFOAM
6B. If you chose "other" in the previous question, please state the reason
For my final year project
To contributs to R&D
My research interest is of CFD and complex fluid flow phenomenon.
So learning OpenFoam will be very useful.
My project work in UG.
As I am looking forward my M.tech in thermal field.so, I thought it will be helpful
Research - I would like to use OpenFOAM to compute the base flows for stability investigations of parallel shear flow intabilities.
Other (engineering) - I would like to use OpenFOAM for aerothermodynamic anslyses of optimal turbomachinery configurations for various applications.
I'm interested to learn CFD
7. Rate your understanding and experience in using OpenFOAM BEFORE today's workshop
8. Rate your understanding and experience about OpenFOAM AFTER today's workshop
Questions on Pre-workshop
9. Was the pre-workshop session conducted on 23 Sept. 2020 useful to you?
10. Was the recording of the pre-workshop, that was shared with you later, useful to you?
11. We conducted the pre-workshop 3 days before today. Ideally, how many days before should we have conducted it?
12. Any other comments regarding the pre-workshop
The workshop can be conducted once the registration is closed and the participants have been confirmed about their registration
I really enjoyed the session and learned a lot about OPENFOAM.
We have to learn linux commands as a prerequisite.
Fluid mechanics fundamentals required.
Very Good
You should've sent a mail along with the registration mail so that I wouldn't have missed that. A google classroom should've been created, so that every notification, other time could be seen and documents are sorted instead of searching in all of mails.
for better understandig you should announce the workshop for two days, why i am saying is one day you can teach the students about how to install and all those requirements for the next day. so that it's easy for everyone to get ready for the workshop day actually.
I have missed some assignment problems in solving
A mail for software installation queries should have been sent beforehand so that there were no other confusions. Because my software was corrupted and I had to download it again on the day of the workshop.
A lot of what had been mentioned were already available in the e-mails circulated, so the session could have been slightly shorter.
Since i have registered on last day i couldn't attend. If this would have happen after registration would be benifical
Should have given some reading materials which introduces us to some basic and basic nomenclatures in openfoam. (Like, what boundary conditions are in built in OpenFoam and their names in code.) or can be a video which introduces basics of openfoam.
video demonstration of installation will be more helpful.
A good workshop. Further look into the updates regarding these kind of workshop.
No, Thanks
If possible you could have conducted a session particularly for installing software for the beginners. it will be useful. i used my friends help to finish this work.
Dear organisers,
This is a suggestion for the future (I have included this on my feedback too). This was a very good workshop and beneficial.
Could you organise an advanced workshop much on the lines of "OpenFOAM for Multiphase flows" for other applications like Heat transfer (esp. CHT), Compressible flow and a more elaborate "Turbulence modelling and LES".
Many thanks,
Nikhilesh S V
Thise who are very new to linux and codes require more time before workshop to get used to it
A complete installation to installation
The pre-workshop could've been longer to accommodate the Ubuntu installation issues. This would've made the 8:30-9:30 am session on the workshop day specific to OpenFOAM installation, and not problems with Ubuntu installation or virtualization.
Ensure the installation of software in the pre workshop itself
Questions related to the installation
13. Did you open the installation files and FAQ provided before the workshop and try to install OpenFOAM?
14. Were you able to install OpenFOAM with just the instructions provided?
15. Did you have to get any help to install OpenFOAM?
16. Did you install Ubuntu or OpenFOAM or both during the "Installation Help Session" on the day of the workshop?
Questions related to the workshop
17. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn OpenFOAM. Kindly provide the response that describes your views18. Using these tutorials, were you able to learn the following concepts ? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "extremely easy to learn" and 5 implies "extremely difficult to learn".)
19. Did the assignment given after every tutorial help you?
20. Please explain your answer to the previous question
I was able to try with different dimensions, different views which helped me understanding it better.
it helped me in understanding things more better.
I was able to work out the assignments
The assignments after each tutorial helped me think about how I can play around with the software and what changes occur in the output with how I change the input. More importantly, it made me think to solve the problems and the assignments are really easy if you are paying attention.
By solving problems ourselves, we were abe to apply te knowledge that we got.
The assignments were quite helpful in knowing about CFD since I am a beginner
I didnot solve problem
I was able to self assess my understanding .
Yes, the assignments were ofcourse related to tutorial, butvwhen tried really helpful understanding things better
Yes, I learnt some things new, which I have not understood earlier.
did not get time
I was unable to run the case.
The assignments gave a good hands on experience.
I could not complete the assignments. However, I do support and liked the idea of attempting assignments after each tutorial. I find it helpful.
As a participant it helps to recollect and be confident on what is being learnt as part of the tutorial
Many assignments may help to learn deeply
It helped by giving us a hands on experience.
Yes I could figure out the problem effectively
Assignment made us to learn better in understanding the code and problem.
Yes assignment were given after tutorial
It was easy to relate and gave an idea of the input parameters thar were used.
They gave more insight into OpenFOAM, covering some aspects not covered in spoken tutorials.
Helped me to compare changes in the values and to develop my own problems and solution to it
The assignments provoked the better understanding and thinking of the case
It helped to understand the concepts.
Some points could've been discussed even without asking. Leaving everything to us is not right. They may be sharp enough to work on, interaction is much more needed. But, I enjoyed a lot. I learnt a lot from the workshop.
Special thanks to you people and your patience in helping people.
Assignments were nice and great so that we have played on that.
yes, it is because after this workshop day too it's easy to refer for further workouts.
It will help to get more hands on experience on the software, but time limit was the problem
Yes it is very useful.
That really gives an insights of the problem which helps to realize real approach.
i did all assignments
It was really good
Yes it was helped . But after 3 assignments, lost the assignment solving using OpenFoam
it was very helpful.
It helped me to practice that I had learnt.
Yes. It was giving a hands on practice. So that i got more familiar using openFoam
Due to the limitation in time it was difficult to finish within time
It helped in way such that I actually had to think a lot and do it myself instead of just seeing the tutorial and doing which almost felt like copying without understanding fully.
I wasn't able to finish the assignments on time, but I'm sure they are excellent.
It's very easy to understand more than we practically day
It helps to learn.
Yes, we practically tried it ,so obviously it helps.
I was able to do assignments of the first four tutorials and the rest of the tutorials assignment I will work it out.
It was giving more practice and understand the concept which was thought in the tutorial video. Especially the assignment 4 and 5
It helps me to understand each and every term in the blockmesh document
They helped to understand the code very well.
Yes it was a primary step for understanding
Yes the assignments were quite helpful.
I have faced problem with parafoam. Will try to install parafoam properly and todays discussion helped to do the problems with confidence.
Yes. It helps a lot
It helped to implement a concept/problem that we just learnt in the tutorial. Helped us improve cognitive reasoning and apply it in openfoam
It helped in solidifying the contents of tutorials.
It's useful.
Gave practical experience other than copy paste the commands.
Examples are good enough to explain basic functions of OpenFoam.
this help me a lot to practice the case studies
While doing the tutorials we copied source code and the changes in it were very well explained in the tutorial video, but the assignments required us to make changes based on our understanding of the problem statement.
ya unable to answer the question
Every thing is well presented and easy to understand.
very much
Since the Assignments had different values in the problem statement, it helped us understand theoretical concepts related to problem along with enhancing our experience related to working in OpenFOAM.
Help is predicting the solution with better understanding
i am able analyze the changes i need to make in the mesh and parameters in the model.
The assignment was structured in such a manner that it could leverage technical aspects from the tutorials into the assignments. It was well designed.
It helped me try variations of the problem discussed innthe spoken tutorial
The assignments helped me to realize how parameters can be changed depending on the application used in.
Assignments provide opportunity to try the software for myself and gave confidence that openfoam can be customised
Error in my virtual box , could not attempt assignments properly
As I am very new to this, initially I thought that I can't but after attending session I am confident to learn things to more and more
yes it was helpful
Easy and understandable
Yes .It helped me understand the concept.
An assignment covers the learning and implementation part.
I was able to visualize the changes made in the coding.
Yes because tutorials were easy to understand and assignment questions was very similar to that in the tutorial
Tutorials were self explanatory.
Assignments helped me to understand the concepts in a better way as it provides me the chance to solve certain problems with my own efforts and of course the TA's are also available for helping us.
It was very helpful because before this workshop I couldn't have proper understanding of this tool and concepts before this examples ...Thanku you so much
Yes, it was very useful...as it helped me in clearing my concepts regarding solving of OpenFoam problems.
Yes its helpfull.
Yes, it was great.
Assignments were such that one should watch tutorials clearly. Hence, it help me to gain knowledge by actually solving the problem.
It helps
The assignment suggested making incremental changes to standard test cases. This made the learning process comforting, giving confidence to proceed further. To borrow the karate analogy, this was akin to earning a white belt, looking forward to earning the yellow.
No, I don't know the basics
Yes, it helps for practicing and for improvement for handling software
The assignments gave me a view how to fine tune a geometry.
Application is essential for understanding the concept
I could not attempt / attend it.
Direct implementation of learnt concept helped to create a good flow which could be applied to further problems. Only issue I faced was when pre recorded results of the first tutorial(cavity case) had to be deleted and the assignment was to be saved in a new folder. Because of that I got the same result in first assignment. Rest of the assignments were pretty clear and helpful
Assignments helped in understanding the tutorials better
Assignments questions were designed for more detail understanding of concepts
Assignments helped in better understanding of the concepts.
Yes, it was helpful
21. Did you find the TA's help useful?
22. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:
23. How would you rate your level of knowledge of using OpenFOAM before and after the workshop:
24. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?
25. Did you post questions or answer questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
26. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the workshop:
27. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?
Side by side learning
explaining doubts, side by side method.
Explanation and discussions on the flow physics
The approach is very unique. The material was great and one of my personal issues is that I genuinely feel that there are so few resources on FEA/CFD it is incredibly difficult to get involved. This course however is the perfect introduction to the ecosystem and I am excited to learn more and simulate. Also, I absolutely loved the way Professor Janani explained everything and I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Ashley, Swetha ma'am, Sahil, and Sagar
Hands on experience with dealing with problems
The tutorial videos
Spoken tutorials
Eagerness shown by staff to explain important theoretical part, such that we would understand OpenFOAM well
Pre work shop
Good assistance
Creating the mesh and performing the fluid dynamics
TA support for the assignment and Prof. Janani for clarifying the physics behind the problem.
Live session and help from TAs
Help given by TA to everyone.
The organised manner in which it was conducted without any confusion.
I liked the classroom divisions and the discussion of the assignments.
The break up classroom is a good Nice to have smaller sized classroom giving more chances for the participant to interact with the TA's
Side by side learning
classroom distribution.
I liked the continuous monitoring of TA during whole session
I am able to get Hands on experience on openFoam software in this workshop.
Tutorial and assignment
The effort taken by the hosting party is excellent.
On spot help from TA
The explanation and help provided by the organisers
Spoken tutorial and your support
elements of Motivation and support was there and it was great.
I don't like learning things through online,anyway it's my first attempt. Not bad.
Side by side learning, helped to install ubuntu and openFOAM 8 version
TAs interaction
Side by side teaching, learning and practice.
Spoken Tutorials
Tutorials and Assignments
faculties were very calm and with lot of patience they clarified all my doubts.
The TA's were very helpful and answered most of the questions.
Method of instruction
The TA's were very helpful ..even though the videos were self explanatory without their help we won't have finished today's workshop ..
The fact that experts working in this field were there helping us.
Classroom breakup and Spoken Tutorials
Each and every problem explanation
Every aspect
I like side by side learning.
Explanations and physical significance and the team that helped us..
Conducting workshops through online mode, Spoken tutorials, and guidance from TA's are the good aspects of the workshop.
For beginners this workshop was really helpful to know about how the open foam works
Pre recorded case study videos
Tutorials were apt for a beginner.
Problems are well thought.
TA's are extremely helpful.
The interaction between the TA and the students
The spoken tutorials approach along with TA's was really unique and great.
Discussions and one to one help. Also the spoken tutorials. Hope the forum helps to continue.
1. Spoken tutorial concept
2. Classroom breakup
3. Assignments after every tutorial
4. Theoretical explaination given by professors
Break up of a large group into small batches.
The tutorial videos are easy to understand. If i have any doubt from the video, there is a people to solve it.
Pre workshop session to install the software.
About the step by step instructions and a great curriculum followed during workshop.
Explanation of queries and TA are very prompt to answer..
Assignments are good
Explanation of physics along with simulations, quick response of TAs to the problems posted, Interactive session, Efficiently structured. Overall it was a good learning experience.
software and easy understanding the topics
Everything is perfect.
EVERYTHING and TA's contribution
The exposure to different problems related to CFD was very helpful. Due to solving these variety of problems, I understood concepts of CFD along with gaining experience of working in OpemFOAM.
Tutorial assignment format
unlike ansys fluent, in which i select a governing equation to solve a problem, this openFoam allows tto solve by providing any differential equation it can produce result. the most anxious part i feel is that writing a code which makes me feel good than ansys;
It is structured and is very good for audience who know basics of CFD or numerical methods. It gives good application capabilities.
The classroom setup and innovative way of conducting a workshop.
The workshop gave detailed understanding of the physics behind the questions discussed and tried to answers all the questions related to the software part as well.
Common for people from all disciplines. Step by step procedure.
The spoken tutorial sessions and Dharani mama wonderful explanations
The way the tutors take up the questions and clarification for those
The one on one guidance provided during the session and also prior the session for software installation.
Spoken Tutorial videos
* Splitting up the participants
* Allocating the TAs (big shout out)
* Organized structure of content in the Spoken Tutorial website
Easily understandable basics
Good session.
The students were divided into batches and each batch have their own mentors to guide & help students.
All professors were good and also tA's are excellent whose are very hpful to us ,just wanna only one thing that please do promotion more because lots of students didn't get the information of your workshop.I am saying this because this information I got from someone who is belong to IIT but anyother private college student don't know about this so please do more promotion ...thank you
The quick response of all the TA's and other people in the team were commendable.I liked it the most.And it went so smoothly such that everyone could easily be attended.
Flow of the Workshop
Helpful nature of professors and volunteers, good quality of spoken tutorials
Introductory section
1. The format of practising with spoken tutorials side-by-side with the workspace is a very good way to acquire problem solving skills. This taps into our innate biological mechanism of 'learning-by-imitation'.
2. The content has been created with a good deal of thought, care and expertise. So they are of very good quality.
3. I've used open source programs for my PhD, namely Octave and Fortran 90 for computing and gnuplot for all plotting. Since I understand the benefits of using open source programs first hand, I personally promote open source programs whenever possible among my friends. Therefore I'm pleased to learn about the structured way that Prof. Moudgalya and his team at FOSSEE are promoting usage of open source programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Good scheduling
The spoken tutorials and the discussion regarding assignment
Discussion of problems faced by participants.
Assignment sessions and discussion on the results
Quality study material and overall arrangement of the workshop
direct application of tutorial through assignment
ever present TA's to help with problems
always available on call when I had to install openfoam 2 days before workshop
final discussion
spoken tutorials and assignments
It was of online format. And people like me could attend it from the Rural part of our country.
Lecture given by Prof.Janani in the eve session.
The discussion section after the tutorials.
A new way of learning. Simplifying the whole process of using of not so user-friendly software like OpenFoam.
28. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?
Workshop was pretty much good in every aspect
faced trouble while installing ubuntu and openfoam.
Spoken tutorials needs improvement
Although I loved the workshop, I do have issues with the time given to simulate and do the assignment. I greatly prefer the model edX adopts with the self-pacing. Since the material is already available online, I think the workshop was only there to set up a space where interaction is possible. If we are to consider the interaction then I would say that this is the best platform and experience.
Not enough theoretical background provided
The time given for solving the assignments were quite less for me since I am a beginner
Unable to solve problem
I feel the workshop was a bit fast paced for novice in CFD
Length of the workshop, could have been same length instead of it having in a single day, could have been split into 2 days.
Found it difficult to work in virtualisation
more people
Two links for joining meeting and was not able to mute anyone while watching tutorials.
Nothing to point out in particular.
It would have been helpful if Mac OS OpenFoam Installation could be explained in more detail. I didn't face problems during installation, however, i faced problems while using the openfoam. I could not view certain folders and directories in my laptop.As I am a complete beginner, it was a struggle for me to complete assignments in the stipulated time.
Nothing as such. I understand that CFD not only require tool knowledge but also the conceptual understanding. Hence, participant might feel uncomfortable but that is okay. It will make them curious and learn more
Reducing the lecture like talk and increase the hands on time with OpenFOAM will definitely increases the quality of learning.
nothing much
There wasnt
Linux commands were not explained well. Changing from Windows to Ubuntu was a difficult experience.
When I was watching the tutorial, parallel discussion was going on in the google meet. It created some disturbance. When I muted, I missed some important points.
More number of questions and tutorials can be taught
Can be a more than 1 day workshop
Since in the class room everyone were in different pace. I was having a boring time. also while I watch the video and do the editing somebody started asking questions orally in meet. that was really disturbing.
Only because of the method followed, through online.
Lack of time, doing it continous for 8 hours become hectic, make it longer for 3-4 days and bring more interesting assignment and have Coding introduction also should be there, coding part we only copy and paste.
Not much
Nothing like to dislike.
I think one day is not enough
Assignment solving after 2 problems
I think there was a hurry in finishing the workshop.
Workshop was good ..personally i had problem with using ubuntu in windows...it was slow and i had some problems with that...
People interrupting in the classroom while seeing tutorials
I was looking for temperature aspect too which wasn't discussed.
while listening side by side tutorials, some people ask questions even without going through the whole tutorial that disturbs other participants. We cannot stop audio as some instructions are given by the team.
At last,some demonstrations couldn't be completed.
Since it is for biginner level i think this is very good. The attendees may need the knowledge of CFD
Discussion of TA's on the questions asked
Some more basic reading materials are required. (I haven't gone through the website. So if there is more basic materials in the website, please ignore this comment.)
The software installation was tedious
I think it would have been better to have workshop for 4 hours each in two days
The technical problem like net connectivity and power failure at my end. Otherwise this session will be very fruitful.
1. Needed a bit more explanation of some concepts of CFD
2. Did not tell us how to learn the advanced concepts by ourselves
Should have been more than a day's workshop.
This feedback form is very lengthy as I don't understand what is the need of collecting so much information. Please make it short.
Can be structured to be more elaborate and be extended to 2 days. Also because every student has different background. Hence separate classrooms can be intended to carry out different portions like some students had problems with installing OpenFOAM and others wanted to proceed to tutorials.
think about installing
it could have been a 2-day workshop to make us play with simulations
In order to attend this course, it was necessary to use computer screen for long duration of 7 hours, which is strenuous and tiring, for the eyes. Hence this course, even though very informative and useful could have been split up for at least two consecutive days.
some time in execution of tutorial
It ended soon. i expected to share more details and other problems. i thirst of using this project.
I thought the "Advanced workshop on Multiphase modelling" would be tough for me because I don't have exposure to multiphase flow. So if you could offer an advanced workshop which is more general i.e. solver modifications with impetus on source code modification, how to upgrade a solver across various versions of OpenFOAM etc would be very helpful. I hope you guys can curate one such workshop. A little bit of intro into OOPS for OpenFOAM would also be invaluable.
Many participants talking in the classroom, so Unable to concentrate on the spoken tutorial video
Limited. Could have included more number of examples both in mesh making and problem solving.
Time constraints to complete assignments for beginners
I didn't notice nothing much, as I am very new to this
background chat while listening to tutorials
The spoken tutorial format should have been a live training session format in order to get a better explanation and should have been split into several days instead of a single one.
Nothing much
It was good ,there was no such thing
No such things, but these kind of workshops could be split in to 2 days, because its not easy to grasp each and everything in one go in such a sort time. These things needs time to digest
No dislikes.
Installation procedure is too lengthy. Workshop is quiet good
Sometimes, its distracting if some discussion is going in a classroom and I am doing the tutorials. I didn't mute the classroom because that discussion was also useful. But it kind of little distracting. May be we can address this issue.
Dislike would be a stong word in my opinion.
1. There's room for impovement in time management, for example, scheduling Ubuntu installation and virtualization for pre-workshop session (conducted 3 days earlier) instead of the one hour available before the workshop begins. The one hour on the workshop day can be for OpenFOAM issues alone, instead of OS problems.
2. I think the workshop can add a little more to suggest which books to study good CFD practices from. For example, we have Numerical Recipes (for general good practices in scientific computing), Acton's Numerical Methods that (Usually) Work, Charles Hirsch's 2 volumes on CFD, and a personal opinion from prof(s) to how best to acquire additional CFD training by the student himself/herself, which is solver agnostic.
Not a deep teaching, I expected that the staffs Will teach tha concept first, and then ask us to do.
During Solving the tutorial I would expect the TAs should have to atleast explain the problem Statement
Participants did not prepare before the workshop as instructed and asked very basic questions.
Ensure that everyone installed the software before
More time should be given.
would like some explanation of solver or blockmeshdict used
Cross discussions during the session
No any serious aspect.
No issue
I didn't dislike anything.
It shouldn't be a one-day workshop. At least two days is preferable .
29. Using the OpenFOAM Spoken Tutorials and other learning material provided in this workshop, you yourself can conduct such a workshop in your institution. In view of this, please answer the following:30. Check all the activities of the FOSSEE OpenFOAM team that you will be interested to participate in.
31. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.
It would have been better if all the tutorials are of stand alone type. In the present case we need to revisit previous tutorials.
The workshop could be held for atleast 2 days, because the time seemed a bit short to catch up,especially if we made a mistake in between
no suggestion
I would like to suggest to conduct workshop for a couple of days so that all the assignments can be completed by the candidates on their own pace. This will also allow them to grasp the material and will give them time to think and ask questions/doubts. Overall, the explanation of the physics provided after every session was insightful.
Wish that such workshop is held twice the year
Hearty Wishes to Prof Janani & her team
Kindly include or arrange separate course especially for Heat Transfer applications.
More spoken tutorial material on case studies are required.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Nothing. Interact with them with some points without leaving them to tutorials. Then, Interaction will begin.
length of the feedback foam can be reduced (LOL). other than that everything was fine
Nothing much, just need to get every one ready before day.
Make it atleast 2 days workshop
This can be extended to one week which will help to gain fluency in the OF.
Assignment Problems solving
next workshop could be to teach coding the files from scratch.
This is a beginner's workshop..it would have been better if u would have conducted the advanced workshop after beginner's workshop..so we would have also attended that advanced workshop to get more knowledge and training on this software ..
Time can be extended a bit for more demonstration.
It is good. If possible i would like get involve to contribute to opensoure forum.
All good but the beginner's could be conducted first and advanced second
Practice of one or two tutorial can be done one week before the workshop.
Please allow the candidate to attend the workshop for which he has registered don't switch to different workshop. I was interested in the Advance workshop on multiphase flow because sometime back i got stuck to some similar problem.
Keep doing such innovative workshops.
No, Thanks
Provide la=earning manuals
More examples
I have given my suggestions in earlier fields already. I think that would suffice.
Condcut two day program instead of cramping everything intonone session
A one week workshop in open foam would be more helpful to learn the software and the understanding behind the different examples and case studies in more depth
The session should have been split into several days instead of one and the pace could have been slower .
Please make group before any workshop ,this will ease the things .Now a days ,things are happening like that so please this is my request
In my point of view ,i think the tutorials could be more explanable and detailed at the time of giving commands and the result after pressing enter could have been shown.
Overall It was great session attending OpenFoam workshop.Thank you very much and the whole Team.
As one student mentioned out, instead of honararium in terms of money. You can recognize the efforts of FOSSEE fellows by "FOSSEE kit like T-shirt, Hoodie, Coffee mug, pen, Diary,Badge,Cap,Band" + please do collabs with ISRO, DRDO,BARC, Brahmos Aerospace and give them a 6-12 month internship so that they can do more to the nation.
Can we start the assessment as well? May be it will take a day more for workshop. But it will ensure the understanding of all the participants. Thank you.
I would be intereseted in creating additional tutorials in:
1. OpenFOAM
2. Scilab
3. Fortran 90 programming (if embarked on)
But I can confirm that I cannot participate in these activities till submission of my PhD thesis, which is most likely not before January 2021. Thank you.
I'm a very beginner, so as per me teaching the basics first will be helpful.
Please conduct an advanced session for the beginner session participants.
More such workshops on OpenFOAM should be conducted:
1)Preferably with online/offline modes so that it reaches out to many students
2)The frequency of conduction could be more.
No issue