Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for eSim Workshop
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the Electronic Circuit Simulation using eSim from 11-13 February 2021. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly select the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 80
1A. Your area
1B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
I am a student of B.tech in EEE.
Student (Diploma)
working in HCL
Questions related to eSim background
2A. Do you use/Have you used any circuit simulation software other than eSim in your College/Institute/Organization?
2.B If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software that is used in your college/organization. (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
2C. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Cadence Virtuoso, TINA TI Spice, Multisim
I can't made circuit simulation because I am attend this workshop in my college systems but that are not supported with esim.
NI Multisim, Intel Quartus, Altium Designer
Kicad, Multisim, MATLAB, TI Tina, Fritzing, EasyEDA, Altium
multisim software
NI multisim
NI multisim
NI multisim
Multi sim
NI multiSim
3. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned circuit simulation software? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
4A. Do you already use eSim in your College/Institute/Organisation?
4B. If the answer is "Yes" to the above question, in what way do you use? Please select all the relevant options.
4C. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Well I came to know about eSim through my company manager..Its really so wonderful that eSim is readily and free available to everyone. I really regret that when i was doing my under-graduation I didnt know about this opportunity..But I m happy to move with the use of eSim to develop and elevate my skills in my subjects.Thank you team.
Questions related to the workshop
5. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn eSim. (Kindly provide the response using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)6. The tutorials were useful in learning the following features. (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "totally useless" and 5 implies "extremely useful".)
7. Were the spoken tutorials used during the workshop helpful in solving practice problems?
8. Did the practice problem help you to increase the ease of using eSim?
9. Were the 9:30am-10:00am optional sessions to discuss the practice problems useful?
10. How will you rate the difficulty of the practice problems? Please choose 1 for difficult and 5 for easy
11. How would you rate your experience of live sessions? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "totally useless" and 5 implies "extremely useful".)
12A. Some sessions (eSim installation, mixed-signal simulation using NGHDL, device modelling features, etc.) were covered through live sessions. Please tick all that is applicable.
12B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Really a great effort in putting all things at right time and right place in LIve sessions
This live session was useful and all queries were answered very nicely by the team. I would still enjoy a live session more if the eSim software errors are minimized. Hence, the valuable time spent during live sessions can be focused more into clarifying concepts and technical questions.
13. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Extremely bad ", 2 implies "Bad", 3 implies "Acceptable", 4 implies "Good", and 5 implies "Excellent".)
14. Comment regarding the pace of the workshop
15. Select the response that describes your overall view of the workshop: (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)
16. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using eSim before and after the workshop? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Beginner" and 5 implies "Expert".)
17. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?
spoken tutorials
Live sessions and immediate response to queries
Discussion session and live session
Well the patience of the team should be given more appreciation .They have listened and solved queries through live sessions at a good pace.
Spoken tutorial
OpenSource. Wore with pride and more
The practice problems and live session.
With short duration spoken tutorial explain everything to practice the problem
ESIM on cloud
The extra topics which were covered like esim on cloud and verification of electronic design talk by Prof. Madhav Desai. Also, the coordinators were great in explaining the concepts and clearing doubts.
Help to simulate ckt smoothly.
Well explained for doubts
spoken tutorials
In the class all the sessions are good I really liked
Excellent interaction by the FOSSEE Team.
Time management and clear cut explanation and approach to the doubts were incredible.
Well managed & helpful
The involvement and dedication of the FOSSEE team and their patience in solviing all problems
Spoken tutorial
Live handson session
spoken tutorials, answering the doubts
1. Spoken Tutorial videos for self learning purpose.
2. The way how the Forum is used to clear all my doubts.
spoken tutorial
support the FOSSEE team gave during the workshop
Spoken tutorial and gloria's live session
Spoken tutorials
effective communication with teachers
Clearing doubts.. and interactions
Clearing doubts
Clearing doubts
Clearing doubts
Spoken tutorial
Schematic preparation, simulation, making subcircuit
All the mentors were so good and our all doubt got cleared. It's is far better than the other software which we use in college.
I liked the teaching and spoken tutorial
Practice session
Everything was well organized
18. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?
Pace of the sessions was comparatively fast
I think instead of a full day workshop ..half day would be better ..but its my opinion..just mentioning
Slightly felt pressured to keep up. When I could not, it feels like it slips away, but then its understandable.
Live session
The duration of sessions is long. Very difficulty to adjust the charging if devices like laptop and mobile.
Solutions to the practice problem were provided late due to which it took me time to solve them and verify.
From my opinion I think the duration of the workshop is too small
None as such. But I would have liked to obtain more info on how the software model for AVR microcontroller was developed and simulated in eSim.
voice level changes sometimes (up & down)
Nothing .It was really good.
Nothing as such
live sessions were little fast and confusing
I am not much satisfied with live session.
fast paced
As i like spoken tutorial i still find some drawbacks..
In "setting parameters of PCB" the session was just like click it...but i need a detailed explanation on it because while i was doing practice problems i was totally blank in selecting parameters
hope u consider this and make that spoken tutorial much better
No such things
More time was used in answering quries but want to appreciate team for answering questions patiently
Questions related to the Spoken Tutorial Forum
19. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?
20. Did you post questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
21. Did you answer anybody's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
22. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?
23. Select the response that describes your views regarding the Spoken Tutorial (ST) Forum:(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)
24. What aspect(s) about the ST Forum did you like (or dislike) the most?
Good and fast replies
Good explaination
Everything was good about workshop
Timely Response
Well Explained the steps
The forum section of the spoken tutorial is very helpful as it clears our doubts and also we get the solutions of most of the problems therein.
I simply liked
I liked the ease of use. However, I feel a larger community support can help solve bugs or errors more quickly.
A very clever path to solve the doubts.
The way of they explain is very god and simple to understand
I have used the spoken tutorial forum before, and I feel it is a very useful method to study and practice.
Clear explanation
Step by step procedure
all good
I liked the forum very much because it cleared all my doubts in each part of the video. So I liked it lot. It was very helpful while practicing.
planning and teaching of circuits can be improved for beginners
its easy to solve our queries
the way they explain to solve practice problems
well defined informative videos and asked questions.
I liked it
Like it
Like it
I liked it
25. We have provided you with the eSim Spoken Tutorials and many other learning materials in this workshop. What else is required for you to conduct a similar workshop in your institution by yourself? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)26A. Check all the activities of the FOSSEE - eSim team that you will be interested to participate in.
26B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
eSim in Cloud
more circuits and more components from various vendors can be added to libraries for system design
NGHDL feature, Microcontroller simulation
27. Suggestions for improvement or any other suggestions.
Overall is excellent
No suggestions
Very well organised
I was having one issue when I had to assign values to the components, whenever I assigned the value to one component my mouse was freezing and I had to click outside for it to start working again. I remember someone else was having the same issue therefore I don't think it was my problem alone.
Thanks to the entire FOSSEE team for organizing such a wonderful workshop on eSIM and hope to attend more such effective workshops in the future.
There is no need to change it.
The errors which come up while simulating are a little difficult to solve by yourself at least at the beginning.
After completions 3 days work shop, we expect support from esim team for building our knowledge. It should not limit for 3 days. Will it be provided?
would like to have more spoken tutorials
All good, except live session because it is consuming lot of time.
extend the days and pl keep spoken tutorial session less
i think every thing was very well scheduled and implemented
Feedback form for eSim Workshop
General questions regarding the tool. Answer honestly and frankly, it will help the developers in knowing what improvements can be made.
28. Regarding the PCB design aspect of eSim, what other feature(s) would you like to see or think would be useful? (Leave blank if you have no opinion on this front )
Very informative and useful. Learnt New software. I will recommend the students and I will contribute in future
Good dedicated team
more useful
The workshop was very useful and a new software for simulation I learner.
Need to provide materials for mapping footprints in CvPcb process.
All the features are honestly good.
there should be auto routing & auto placer & auto tracker option
Some general design guidelines for PCB design could be given for beginners ,maybe as another spoken tutorial.
I really like this workshop
i am beginner,i feel it is good to learn
More different kind of example problems.
1) in the beginning kindly give a intro about kicad,ngspice,pspice (like what it is and what is the use of it, why it is used) i searched everything online by my own.
2) kindly improve "setting parameters of PCB" spoken tutorial
3) need a spoken tutorial on topics which are conducted on live session
4) I don't understand mixed signal modelling/NGDL
kindly give the recorded session as much as possible
i was unaware of this software before,but know i think i can personally contribute to the esim software
29A. Additions to which sections of the eSim's simulation process would make it simpler to simulate circuits?
29B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Mixed Signal within eSim interface
A VHDL coding and compilation section within the eSim software wouldn't require us to use a separate software like Altera Quartus to do so.
Mixed-Signal circuit simulation using NGHDL
Highlighting with different colours or provinding number for errors.
30A. What in your opinion are the tasks that the eSim team should undertake?
30B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
Strong advertisement for colleges.
31. Any other comments/ suggestions about eSim.
Please provide 15 min break in morning and afternoon session
eSIm should also include simulations of Radio frequency circuits
Very happy and motivated after the workshop
good session
Good and more helpful
No suggestions further
You done very well
E-sim is very useful software in my aspect. I'm looking forward to using it more for my projects. You may want to include some project ideas like the circuit lists for the students to be able to perform.
Nice workshop ever I had, well Explained, Thanks to everyone!!
Once again thank you to the entire FOSSEE team for your guidance and lots of support.
My only worry about that I could not complete this workshop due to some technical problems are made in our college systems. I really like the workshop very much
eSim is a good software. I would like to use it for design and verification projects in the future.
eSim is truly an incredible software.
auto routing & auto placer & auto tracker option should be there in PCB
Excellent tool.
It was really excellent work by the team in the education. It should be made known to other colleges by conducting workshops. I have decided once I am good in using all aspects of esim, I will host a workshop in my college.
No comments. I thoroughly enjoyed and learned a lot from this workshop. Thanks to FOSSEE team.
less colleges know about ,can it be extended as alternative to cadence
ESIM is wow.. but create more spoken tutorial
i prefer spoken tutorials than live session
in the beginning kindly give a intro about kicad,ngspice,pspice (like what it is and what is the use of it, why it is used) i searched everything online by my own.