Under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Feedback form for 3 Day workshop on Chemical Process Simulation using DWSIM
Dear Participant,
We thank you for attending the 3 Day workshop on Chemical Process Simulation using DWSIM from 18-20 February 2021. We would like to have your valuable feedback about the Workshop and learning experience as it will help us enhance the quality of our work. Kindly select the best option that describes your views. You can also provide your comments in the spaces provided in the form. Your response will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Total number of responses : 52
1. Your age
20 years
24 years
2A. Your background
2B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
I am actually a student in an integrated M.Tech Program and I am currently in my second year.
I am Graduated
3. Please mention the name of your college, or the company you work for, etc.
SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thanjavur
Mewar University
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Tata Chemicals Limited
Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai Marathwada Campus Jalna.
Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishnupuri , Nanded, Maharashtra, India
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology,Nagpur
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,Lonere
Visveswaraya National Institute of technology, Nagpur.
The dharamsi morarji chemical company
The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company.
SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur
BIT Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand
SASTRA Deemed to be University
PREC'S Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology,Chincholi,Nashik
Sarvajanik college of engineering and technology,Surat, Gujarat
govt. Engineering College, Kozhikode, Kerala
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar technological Technological, Lonere Raigad
Galgotias University
Galgotias university
Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University
Banasthali Vidyapith
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University Lonere, Raigad
Government Engineering College Bharuch
Vishwakarma Institute Of Technology.
Pravara Rural Engineering College Loni , State - Maharashtra
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
Banasthali Vidyapith
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University Lonere Raigad
SASTRA Deemed to be University
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Sastra university, Tanjavur
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
A C Tech Anna University Chennai-600025
Sastra University
Banasthali Vidyapith
Questions related to the DWSIM background
4A. Do you use any chemical process simulation tool in your College / Institute / Organisation?
4B. If the answer to the above question is Yes, please let us know the name of the software in your college/organization. (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
4C. If you chose "Other" in the previous question, mention the software here
It will be in my 7th sem.
Comsol multiphysics, matlab.
4D. For how long have you been using the above-mentioned chemical process simulator tool? (If NO, then please select the option 'Never used before'.)
5A. For what purpose do you use the process simulator? Please select all the relevant options.
5B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
6A. Why would you like to learn DWSIM?
6B. If your answer to the above question is OTHER, then please specify:
As a part of my work profile - Process Development Manager
To simulate the plant operation for trial and error
To upgrade my knowledge of software in chemical engineering which would surely help me for my placement so further i could contribute to my company.
Final year project
Was passionate to learn it since I found it interesting.
7. Before today's workshop, have you attended any other DWSIM workshop? Please enter the total number of days of the workshop/training you have undergone before. If you have not gone through any such workshop/training before, please choose 0 days.
Questions related to the workshop
8. Rate your experience in using Spoken Tutorial to learn DWSIM. (Kindly provide the response using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)9. The tutorials were useful in learning the following concepts. (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "totally useless" and 5 implies "extremely useful".)
10. Were the spoken tutorials used during the workshop helpful in solving practice problems?
11. Did the practice problem help you to improve your chemical process simulation skills using DWSIM?
12. Were the 9:30am-10:00am optional sessions to discuss the practice problems useful?
13. How will you rate the difficulty of the practice problems? Please choose 1 for difficult and 5 for easy
14. Did the case study flowsheet simulations help you to improve your chemical process simulation skills using DWSIM?
15. How will you rate the difficulty of the case study flowsheet simulation? Please choose 1 for difficult and 5 for easy
16. How would you rate your experience of live sessions? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "totally useless" and 5 implies "extremely useful".)
17A. Compound Creator Tool, Data Regression Tool, CAPE-OPEN Objects Simulation were covered through live sessions, but with observation only. If all of you have to simultaneously practice as well, which of the following will be applicable?
17B. If you chose "Other" to the previous question, please explain
please update the videos to the latest version of the software its immediate need.
The python unit operation, data regression and compound creation tool can be extremely useful for pharmaceutical and intermediate compounds. Would appreciate if the afore mentioned topics are covered at a legible pace.
18. How would you rate your experience of popular/invited talks? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "totally useless" and 5 implies "extremely useful".)
19. Rate the following aspects of the workshop:(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Extremely bad ", 2 implies "Bad", 3 implies "Acceptable", 4 implies "Good", and 5 implies "Excellent".)
20. Comment regarding the pace of the workshop
21. Select the response that describes your overall view of the workshop: (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)
22. How would you rate your level of knowledge in using DWSIM before and after the workshop? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Beginner" and 5 implies "Expert".)
23. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you like the most?
Pace, methodology and problem addressing.
doing tutorials ourself
As it was with the R programming workshop the ability to pause play the tutorial, and then use the live session or people present on the call to clear additional doubts was a tremendous help.
It is well managed according to time. I able to learn some new and good techniques to plant process by simulation.
The interactions with the faculty was really helpful and knowledgeable
Case study practice really helps to apply all learned knowledge.
Spoken tutorial based practice and assignments helped to make the software easy to understand. Question and answer sessions were great for clearing doubts.
Invited lectures
Spoken Tutorials along with the live sessions were the best.
The way workshop is conducted is really good also the content of this workshop is really informative and I understand it properly.
Practicing tutorials using case studies
Prof. Kannan interactios
I loved the Sessions taken by Prof Naren of SASTRA. He gave a broader view on the topics!
Priyam sir also responded promptly to our doubts on the forum.
Clearing all doubts raised by us
Spoken tutorials
Side by side method
Teaching method and materials provided
Live sessions
Compound creation tool in DWSIM
The lectures were good.
side by side approach for solving the problems
24. What aspect(s) about the workshop did you dislike the most?
Live sessions , which were little bit difficult to cope up.
outdated version of software in the video counters the problem
Speed maybe. I am a slow learner so I was often catching up in the night after the sessions were over.
At some points due to network or some problems the voice got cut off and I didn’t get the topic well
The pacing for regression, python unit operation and compound creator tool sessions were fast and difficult to understand.
No help was there for a beginner. It would be good to give proper instruction initially so that beginners can catch up with spoken tutorials easily
No. The overall workshop is very good and informative.
None actually!
Sir include more case study problems.
No at all
I found the three days were jam-packed and would be better if it was a little bit longer.
Some technical issues
25. Cost benefit analysis of this workshop: please choose one
Questions related to the Spoken Tutorial Forum
26. Did you register yourself on the Spoken Tutorial Forums as asked in the guideline email sent before the workshop?
27. Did you post questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
28. Did you answer anybody's questions on the Spoken Tutorial Forum during the workshop?
29. Were your doubts already answered in the Spoken Tutorial Forum?
30. Select the response that describes your views/responses regarding the Spoken Tutorial (ST) Forum:(Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)
31. What aspect(s) of the ST Forum did you like the most?
Questions posting and sorting facility
Doubts cleared and those doubts being earmarked for specific parts of the video so that locating the answers is easier.
The answers get answered really fast.
It is easy to search previous questions if any and all answers are authentic.
Easy to use and questions can mostly be found.
It has answer of maximum questions. And team reply fast to the new questions.
The way the complete session of ST was just amazing since each & every point has been explained clearly, so how the slow learner he/she could be but will really gain a concept.
ST forum keep save the query of other people so we don't need to post our problem before checking forum because we might find it there.
Immediate response
quick response on forum
In spoken tutorials forum there are many questions regarding to various tutorials. If even one have any questions they can easily post it on forum and it is answered within hours.
The FOSSEE team actively answers our doubts on the forum.
ST forum is also an excellent place to delve deeper and get ones doubts cleared in DwSIM.
All types of doubts get cleared by team members
Doubts are Easy to search
Questions were answered rapidly.
32. What aspect(s) of the ST Forum did you hate the most?
Need to increase graphics
Did not dislike any aspect of the forum.
There should have been an index to show different spoken tutorials so that we can choose from one instead of finding a question on that tutorial and then move forward to questions in that.
spoken tutorial is not in the latest version and we were asked to download the latest version
some answers were vague
No. The Spoken Tutorial forum is overall good. Thank you!
We cannot upload pictures/ screenshots into ST forum.
screenshots will improve the convenience.
Sometimes they are time consuming
Readily available answers for the questions without thinking
33. We have provided you DWSIM Spoken Tutorials and many other learning materials in this workshop. What else is required for you to conduct a similar workshop in your institution by yourself? (Kindly respond using the scale given below, wherein 1 implies "Strongly Disagree", 2 implies "Disagree", 3 implies "Neither Disagree Nor Agree", 4 implies "Agree", and 5 implies "Strongly Agree".)34A. Check all the activities of the FOSSEE DWSIM team that you will be interested to participate in.
34B. If you have chosen "Any other" for the previous question, please explain
Interested in OpenFoam workshop
35. What would you want the DWSIM team to do next? (please choose all that is applicable).
36. In what way you can help promote the use of DWSIM?
I can help you in contacting my past college institute.
Promote use of DWSIM in my college for simulation work. As far as I am aware the college does not have a specific simulation software yet so being able to save the college money while using open source software would be how I could promote the use of DWSIM.
I would try to solve some plant processes by DWSIM and try to post it on FOSSEE DWSIM page like 194 students. Also I would like to tell my friends about this software.
I would suggest my college friends to use this software.
I'll really help my departmental students to learn DWSIM using the spoken tutorial sessions along with my experience of this workshop with Ur team
I will ask my colleagues to work with DWSIM and will do Flowsheeting Project
I will promote DWSIM in many industrial sectors to use of it. Because it is less time consuming and economical also. And easy to use and understand.
By arranging workshop at my college.
I'll tell about it to my friends in college and also will tell my faculty to use DWSIM as a learning partner for students.
By spreading message to our college or colleagues by sharing posters or messages
For chemical process simulation
By promoting the DWSIM at various stages of Chemical Engineering field
37. Any other overall suggestions for improvement or any other feedback
No, great experience to be a part of this workshop
Maybe increase the length of time of the workshop. Also increase the number of live sessions as we get to learn a lot more from them then previously presumed.
Overall this live session was good. I would like to see more of tutorials about DWSIM.
Compound creator tool and Data regression spoken tutorial must also be added to revise at any time.
The complete workshop was really helpful & knowledgeable .The complete FOSSEE team is just best ,they have supported from time to time with the all the doubts.If i had a doubt or want to promote it to my college i would really feel happy if any one of your team member to be a part of it.Thank you for holding this workshop & hope to have many more such workshops.
Initially help is needed for beginners
Please create Spoken tutorials on Compound Creation Tool, Data Regression and Simulation using CAPE-OPEN objects in DWSIM
No any suggestions. Thank you so much for your help and providing this workshop.
1. I felt that the workshop could be spanned over 5 days so that we would have more tutorials and more Case Studies.
2. The Property Table values for all Tutorials could be made available for our usage.
Excellent workshop on Process simulation