Heat Transfer (Coordinators Workshop)

Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India)

September 12th, 2011 to September 16th, 2011

Course Content Teaching Faculty Who Should Attend
Duration and Venue Criteria for Certification Course Fee
How to Apply Accommodation Note
Address For Communication

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Help-line Contacts

Instructions for Enrolling in the workshop

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Heat transfer is a basic course for mechanical, chemical, metallurgical and aerospace engineering students at the undergraduate level. It is classified as conduction, convection and radiation and plays a significant role in most engineering applications. Concepts of heat transfer are applied at the design stage, as well as evaluating performance of various engineering equipments. Heat exchangers, electronic chip cooling, furnaces, casting and foundry, turbine blade cooling, automobile engine cooling, are some of the applications of heat transfer.

IIT Bombay, had conducted workshops, and trained teachers all over India through remote centres. The lectures were transmitted live, and were received at various remote centres across the country, through synchronous distance mode, along with the interaction of participants. The video, presentations, and downloads offered here will help students; teachers and working professionals learn and master the subject.

Course content

  • Imparting knowledge of heat transfer on a larger scale and at a quicker rate.
  • Helping maximum number of students, teachers and working professionals learn heat transfer concepts and implement them in real life.
  • Empower students and teachers in engineering colleges on a large scale.
  • Impart new teaching methods.
  • Teach centres as per the common syllabus.
  • Encourage teachers to contribute learning material.
  • Publish the contents in Open Source on the portal.
  • The topics Covered:-
  • Introduction to heat transfer
    Introduction to one dimensional conduction, conduction rate equation, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, Heat diffusion equation, Initial and boundary conditions,

  • Conduction
    One dimensional steady state conduction, Plane wall, composite wall, cylinder, sphere, Critical radius of insulation, summary of all cases, One dimensional steady state conduction in plane wall and radial systems with thermal energy generation, Fins - Fin efficiency, effectiveness, length of the fin, Transient conduction - Lumped capacitance, Heisler charts, semi-infinite medium.

  • Convection
    Physical Mechanism of Convection, Basics of fluid mechanics, Differential Convection Equations - Navier stokes equation, Energy equation, boundary layer equations for both momentum and heat transfer, Solutions of convection equations for a flat plate, Normalised dimensionless equations and similarity, analogies of heat transfer, Convective heat transfer in external flows for general configurations, Internal forced convection - average velocity and bulk mean temperature, laminar and turbulent flow in tubes and Natural convection

  • Heat Exchangers
    Types, overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor, Analysis of heat exchangers, Log mean temperature difference for parallel and counterflow heat exchangers, multipass and cross flow heat exchangers, use of correction factor, E-NTU method - Effectiveness relations for all heat exchangers along with the charts, selection of heat exchangers

  • Thermal Radiation
    Introduction, thermal radiation, black body radiation - Stefan Boltzman law,Plancks law, Wiens displacement law, Radiation intensity, solid angle, intensity of emitted radiation, incident radiation, radiosity, spectral quantities, Radiative properties, Kirchoffs law, Greenhouse effect, Radiation heat transfer - view factor, view factor relations, Black surfaces , diffuse and gray surfaces, Net radiation heat transfer between any two surfaces, methods of solving radiation problems, radiation heat transfer in two and three surface enclosure, radiation shields and radiation effects.

  • Teaching Faculty

    Prof. Arunkumar Sridharan,
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    IIT Bombay

    Prof. S. V. Prabhu,
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    IIT Bombay

    Who Should Attend

    All students, teachers, and working professionals who are keen on learning this subject. This will also benefit research scholars or people who are interested in research field.

    Duration and Venue

    The duration of the workshop is five days. It will start at 9 am on 12th Sept 2011 and end at 5.30 pm on 16th Sept 2011. Seminar Hall, Van Vihar Guest House, IIT Bombay.

    Criteria for Certification

    There is no data to be displayed

    Course Fee

    Since the workshop is funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India), there is no course fee for participation

    How to Apply

    Those wishing to attend this course, should register online at http://ekalavya.it.iitb.ac.in/

    Due to limited seats, registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. Enrolment will be strictly online.

    The list of confirmed participants will be put up at the same website 30th August 2011. The confirmed participants will also be intimated by email.login.jsp


    Shared Guest House accommodation with standard boarding will be provided free to the participants depending on availability, from the evening of Sunday 11th September 2011 (arrival) to the morning of Saturday 17th September 2011 (departure.)


    Please note that this workshop is conducted under the ekalavya project of IIT Bombay. Live recording of the course and other created contents will be released under Open Source, through a portal. The recorded CD/DVD of the course lectures will be available for distribution at cost, to any individual/ institution. All participants are required to sign an undertaking for such release of contents contributed by them during and after the workshop. Recognition and citation will naturally be made for all contributors.

    Travel fare reimbursement will be made for up to A/C 2-tier railway return fare or lowest return airfare, as per GOI entitlement.

    Address For Communication

    Dr. Mukta Atrey,
    Project Manager,
    Department of CSE,
    Kanwal Rekhi Building,
    Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
    Mumbai: 400 076.
    Tel.: +91-22-2576 4982/ 4983
    Fax: +91-22-2572 0022
    Email: eoutreach@it.iitb.ac.in
