Molecular Visualization for Organic Chemistry on 22 September 2022
Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
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Web-Based Resources for Teaching and Learning Chemistry Part 2:
Molecular Visualization and Spectroscopy Resources for Organic Chemistry
In this webinar, Prof. Hanson will discuss web-based resources that instructors can use to bring 3D molecular structures into the organic chemistry classroom at the high school and college level. How incredibly simple and quick it is to call up virtual models of interesting compounds discussed in organic chemistry. How we can now draw a structure in 2D and, at the press of a button, convert it to 3D in order to introduce ideas of conformation and stereochemistry. How we can interactively correlate specific protons and carbon atoms of a structure with signals in predicted 1H and 13C NMR spectra. We'll see how easy it is to find and use animations that can enhance the learning of mechanisms such as SN1, SN2, E1, and E2, as well as more complex reactions such as the Diels-Alder reaction.
Methodology of the Webinar
Webinar series will be conducted online. The meeting link will be sent to the registered participants on the day before the event date. The duration of the talk is 1 hour, and 15 min for the Q&A session.
Benefits of the Webinar
- The speaker is an expert in 3D molecular visualization, he is the principal developer of the Jmol program. He has created many web resources, which will be discussed in the webinar.
- The resources discussed will be very useful in classroom teaching/learning.
- These resources can be used in assessments.
- Slides used in the talk will be shared with the participants and links for all the websites discussed will be provided.
Course content
The following topics will be discussed:
3D Structures from 2D drawings, Conformational analysis (butane, cyclohexane), Stereochemistry R and S configurations, Isomers (diastereoisomers, enantiomers, meso compounds), Reaction mechanisms, Prediction of 1H and 13C NMR spectra for organic compounds, Biologically relevant compounds (carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids).
Teaching Faculty
Professor Robert Hanson, Professor of Chemistry, St.Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, USA.
Short Biography of the Speaker:
Bob Hanson holds an appointment as Professor of Chemistry at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, USA. Prior to coming to St. Olaf in 1986, he spent two years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow. He received a Ph.D. in Chemistry (natural products synthesis) at Columbia University in 1984 and a B.S. in Chemistry at Caltech in 1979.
Professor Hanson has received several notable awards, including a US Department of State Fulbright Specialist Grant, 3D Molecular Visualization for Chemistry (University of San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia), the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, a National Institutes of Health Research Service Award, and a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Award. He is coinventor with K. Barry Sharpless on the patent for the “Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation'', a widely used method in organic synthesis, and has published widely in the areas of cheminformatics, bioinformatics, computational materials science, and chemistry and physics education.
He is the author of two books, Molecular Origami: Precision Scale Models from Paper (University Science Books, 1995, and Introduction to Molecular Thermodynamics, (University Science Books, Sausalito, CA, 2008).
In addition to these activities, Professor Hanson is the principal developer of Jmol, an open-source project dedicated to interactive molecular visualization and analysis. He is the sole proprietor of Integrated Graphics, specializing in the design and implementation of interactive molecular graphics for education and research.
Professor Hanson is the chair of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) FAIRSpec Project, currently developing a standard for the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) management of spectroscopic data in chemistry.
Who Should Attend
Chemistry Teachers (School/College/University) and Students (Undergraduate, Post-graduate, Research).
Duration and Venue
The webinar will be conducted online on Thursday, 22nd September 2022, from 4.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M IST
Criteria for Certification
Not Applicable
Course Fee
There is no course fee.
How to Apply
The application will be strictly online, and no other mode of application will be entertained. The link for online registration is
The link will remain open till 21 September 2022, 5 PM. However as Limited seats are available, the participation is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Not applicable
- As the webinar is conducted in online mode, it is mandatory to have a laptop/ desktop and a working Internet connection with good bandwidth.
Contact Us:
- You can send the queries regarding webinar to
- Any other general queries about the webinar can be sent to
Address For Communication
Ms. Priti Ghuikar - Dod
Assistant Project Manager
Department of CSE, Kanwal Rekhi Building,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
Mumbai - 400 076.
Website -